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Gracie Banned From Work


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Well last week I took Gracie up to work with me after hours to get her used to my classroom without any distractions. Within ten minutes there was a loud rap on my door. I opened the door to discover two burly security guards who demanded, "Is there a BIRD in there!"(It was like I was smuggling heroin or something). I let the guards in and introduced them to Gracie who gave them a cordial greeting chirp. Without a beat one of the guards said "No animals in the building!". Now although I had permission from my boss to have Gracie at school, I hadn't thought to get permission from the office building where our school is housed. Evidently it is part of the lease agreement that animals are "verboten". So, alas Gracie will not be joining me at work. I'm bummed. I hate to leave Gracie at home while I work. I don't want her to be bored and alone. I am gone from 9-3 daily. I know that's not as bad as some schedules, but I still feel bad about it. I do come home at lunch for an hour sometimes, but it is rushed. I'm hoping to arrange my teaching schedule next session so I can take my off hour after lunch and have two hours for Gracie between classes. Do you think Gracie will be OK? When I'm home from 3 until bedtime Gracie is out and I am with her. We also have two hours together in the morning before I go to work.

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I would push beyond the security guards to see if this isn't just some blind-eyes view of the rules. I hate it when people hear a rule and interpret it to the letter regardless of context. Police and security are great at this. Try other avenues. Otherwise, that sucks. Our school used to have guinea pigs, snakes, lizards....all kinds of stuff. So go higher up the chain explain the situation and find out for sure. As a child, I would have loved being at school that much more if a bird was there.

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I agree with Elvenking.... push it !As a teacher, I know you are imaginative. Do some research and show the board how having your bird there can help your kids learn beyond the textbook. Education, is not just learning about the world, English and Math. Its also about caring about other species on our planet. I know you can come up with something. "Whats the difference between a guinea pig or a bird?" Nancy

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JeffNOK If you can't get approval... I just want you to know, Gracie WILL be fine! Most of us don't get home until around 6pm on average. They do just fine. Granted, while cooking dinner, Sophie insists on being with me. I line up a ton of spoons for her to throw into the sink, so I can cook. It works, and she is happily entertained! Nancy

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I am sure she will be just fine. Of course explain to her why you can't bring her with you. Give her plenty of homework to keep her occupied and perhaps the radio with some good music and intelligent chat. It is amazing what our parrots can understand!


Steve n Misty

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I know everyone wants to support Gracie at work but schools have to operate in a sort of "zero tolerance" zone. If one child might be allergic to feathers, it's a no. If a child might be frightened by a bird, it's a no. I'm sad because I've been there, done that. I took my Hahn's Macaw to school and it wasn't a problem but I didn't do it again because the students didn't understand and frightened my bird. From a school standpoint if they had come in and seen the cage in my room, it might have been an issue.

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I am sorry this has not worked out for you to take Gracie with you to work but the others have given valid points that in today's world we have to live with but she will be fine if you leave enough toys to occupy her mind and a radio on for company, be sure to include foraging opportunities to keep her busy. I work full time and am gone for nearly 9 hours a day during the week as is a lot of us who are not retirement age, close but not quite.

I have taken my birds to work occasionally but its a small office so few people.

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