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Misty has a new job


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Misty has a new job!

The paper stop on my printer has gone awol (possibly parrot related!) so Misty has volunteered to be the paper catcher so the printed sheets don't drop to the floor.As soon as he hears the printer start up he moves into position ready to do perform his duty. He does leave his signature mark though ! But he means well.:D

What useful or helpful jobs do your guys do to earn their keep?







Steve n Misty


Edited by Mistyparrot
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That is such a great picture and awesome thread, good for Misty. Gilbert's job is to take me down a peg so I don't get a big head that I am successful or 'nothin like that, he is the first man to come along and put me in my place. LOL. Wrapped me around his little gnarly talon. He is pretty good about telling me when the dogs want to go outside and he tells me when to go to bed and when to get up. So, I guess his job is to be my supervisor. I think he is cahoots with my husband.

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Love it Steve! They love to feel a sense of accomplishment. Many people do not realize this about parrots. It gives them more of a sense of being a useful and appreciated flock member.


I always try to find things Dayo wishes to help with and let him do so. They love the praise as well when you thank them for helping. It actually becomes I suppose a flock task they do daily and look forward to it.


A small example of this just off the top of my head, is when I am preparing the dogs food. I mix in several items and chop/stir them with a dinner knife. Dayo will be right there and hold the knife in his beak and assist in moving my hand up and down as I chop and swirl as I stir. He comes running every time its "Let's feed the dogs time".


There are many things he "helps" with other than this and he always gets a "Thank you, your soooo smart" and you can tell the sense of accomplishment and praise makes him feel like an integral flock member doing his part.


Everyone should observe and find things that their Parrots show an interest in helping with and let them do so no matter how limited or maybe even a small hindrance at times in your getting it done fast. But the rewards are countless for both the human and the Parrot(s).

Edited by danmcq
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When I do my bills every other Thursday, Sophie sits down at the kitchen table, and works on her checkbook, while I do mine. She talks to herself, just as I do! I'm sure she thinks she is helping with our bills. She makes an unpleasant chore, into something fun! I'm sure the bank has " red flagged me", that I ask for four registrars a month! Nancy

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Misty probably feels guilty for she is the reason the paper stop is no longer functional so she helps the way she does best, she is a keeper.


Thanks Judy. Misty is very high on the list of best things ever to happen to me in-spite of the occasional mayhem!:eek: How ever I am 99% certain Misty is a male.


Steve n Misty

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I was told he was by his previous keeper and they gave me a card from the breeder that listed his birthday and sex. Besides I am sure that no female could be as untidy, destructive, opinionated and bossy .............. hmmm on the other hand.........

Anyway Misty has always been male as far as I am concerned but Misty's sex is not important as I would not want Misty become a breeder so even if I discover "he" has laid an egg I would be surprised but it would have no effect on how I feel about him. Besides although it does appear to be a unisex name. I have known of two other Mistys both definitely male. One a dog and the other a cat.


Steve n Misty

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Besides I am sure that no female could be as untidy, destructive, opinionated

and bossy .............. hmmm on the other hand.........

Be careful there Steve as you are treading on thin ice with those comments!

Josey has been dna'd a female and I wanted to know the sex before I took her home but I agree that if she had been a he I would still treat her the same, she is my baby no matter the sex.

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Just love the story and the pictures! :-D


My Zak helps with washing the dishes. Every time I ask "wanna help me wash the dishes" or he hears I started without him he comes "running" to me;-) It makes that job much easier:-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't do those dishes without them! LOL Maybe they can!!!!! Sophie learned to turn on the faucet. I had just a little soap soaking in the pan. When I walked in, she was screaming in delight! Bubbles every where! LOL! Sophie always gets into everything. While its always a mess for me to clean up, I always get a kick out of her enjoyment. Nancy

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