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aww she's such a cutey! please don't take this the wrong way, but be careful with those plastic yellow chain links, we had some of those attached to one of Archimede's hoops and he kept getting his toes stuck in there, luckily I was home when it happened and we removed them... I'm not saying you need to remove them, but just keep an eye on her if she climbs them that she can't get herself stuck in them

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  • 3 weeks later...
aww she's such a cutey! please don't take this the wrong way, but be careful with those plastic yellow chain links, we had some of those attached to one of Archimede's hoops and he kept getting his toes stuck in there, luckily I was home when it happened and we removed them... I'm not saying you need to remove them, but just keep an eye on her if she climbs them that she can't get herself stuck in them


How did he get stuck? Did his toe get caught between two of them?

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I was too far away to see how he managed to get in there, but he was hanging upside down still grabbing the chains (but one of his toes was caught between the 2 links), and he was screaming his head off like he was being murdered, then after I got him down mr. smartypants climbs back up and gets stuck again... so we just took the chains off and now it's become a supervised foot toy... heck, why risk it kwim...

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