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First Time CAG Owner


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Hello everyone!

I haven't properly introduced myself to this forum yet . . . I have a 4 month old CAG that I just bought this past Saturday. His name is Isley (pronounced just like my username). So far everything has been good except that he's gotten a bit "clingy" lately and his once cute "eh eh" sound has turn into a loud "EH EH" screechfest. Don't get me wrong here, my bf and I both love Isley but we just wished that he would turn down the volume a bit (to not disturb our apartment neighbors). I mean, we give him plenty of attention but now we feel that he may be getting a little bit "spoiled" if you know what I mean. Sometimes he is quiet when he's eating, grooming himself or left alone but if he knows that we're in the room, he does his "EH EH".


Sorry if I said too much here, I didn't know what else to say.

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Well, when birds start to have screaming problems, it is normally for attention. I'm guessing that you and your b/f would give him attention when he would make the cute noise and as it got old he still wanted attention, thus getting louder. What you got to do is completely ignore the noise...turn your back to him and leave the room until it has stopped for a few minutes. Negative attention is still attention to a bird so yelling at him to be quiet is giving him exactly what he wants. The noise very may well get louder when you start ignoring him, but it should not take long for him to get the picture and stop the noise...do not give up and cave, this will only make it harder to break the habit. When he makes noises that you want him to make then give him attention...this will replace the unwanted noise. Hope this helps...and feel free to ask any questions you may have. B)


Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/09/20 19:23<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/09/20 19:24

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Thanks, BMustee. I think that that was the answer that I was looking for.


I must say that before I even knew that a forum specifically for people who own AGs existed, I would just do a bunch of research online. My bf who frequents a forum on cars, decided to research for a forum on AGs and that's what brought me to here (he's more of a forum reader than poster, which is why I decided to register). So far, everybody on here seems really nice and helpful. I'm hoping that everyone on here will continue to give such support to my new life with Isley.

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Welcome Aislee!!!


That was a nice introduction and it's great to have a new Grey owner here :-)


BMustee pretty much summed the louder Peeps issue.


I have a 4&1/2 month old CAG that gets louder and more creative with his vocalizations each day when he wants your attention and out of the Cage.


I find them amusing and encourage him to go "Psycho" and run around, attack his Toys, Peep, Growl, Loud Clucks Etc. I find it hilarious.


Then when he realises I'm enjoying it and have no intention of letting him (Dayo) out, he goes into a 12 pack coke box and hides :-)


Again, Welcome and we look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps some Photos of your new CAG!!!

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Hi, AisLee -

I am new to all of this, too. We brought Klaus home on July 4th. I can empathize on the "clingy" thing. (Klaus is sitting on my shoulder right now.) But, I figure it's something he'll outgrow. Um, I hope it's something he'll outgrow!

Anyway, welcome! It's nice to have you here...

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