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Cleaning new toys


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Not sure if I'm posting this in the right category, but I was wondering if you should wash new toys before your grey plays with them and, if so, then what do you wash them with?

Also, I was toy-shopping today for my grey and found some hard rubber dog toys that are a pretty good size for a bird and are in fun shapes like stars and horseshoes. Is rubber safe for greys?

I'm bringing my baby home in two days and want to make sure I am as prepared as I can be!

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Artoo... I always wash their toys that are dishwasher safe, as well as wash their toys in a diluted bleach solution. We all want them to be safe, but I also learned NOT to go crazy from preventing them to get exposed to natural germs. They need to develop an immune system. The best thing you can ever do for your bird, is ALWAYS wash your hands before handling them. This is the number one thing you can do, to prevent them from getting sick. Sophie knows, I have to wash my hands, before handling her. She waits patiently. It must work, as she has never been to the vet beside " well child visit." Nancy

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