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Help with Chili Pepper

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Hello everyone,


Chili will be 2 in May and he is fully flighted.


I can see changes and I don't know if they are normal or the beginning signs of aggression.


He's always liked to fly in and out if the bird room but lately when he flies back in the room and we're in the room he will fly very close and sometimes skim our heads.


I think he is jealous when I interact with Maccardi or Slater as he will try his hardest to get my attention when I interact with them. Sometimes Maccardi will be sitting by himself minding his own business and Chili will swoop down skimming Maccardis head!!!!. If I am sweeping the room he flies after the the broom handle.


If he is sitting next to me he tries to give me love bites which I'm afraid will turn into biting. When is displays any of these behaviors I'll put him in his cage. However, because he is fully flighted it is not always easy to get him to come to me because he knows now that I'm going to put him in his cage. I used to be able to show him his favorite treat and he fly to me but because he knows that I'm going to put him in his cage this tactic doesn't work all the time anymore.


How do I handle him?



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Hi Karen

Some thing I do with all my fids and this has worked for me and may be worth a try for you.

When my birds are out my wife or I will put a treat some place in their cage and never in the same spot so they know that some place in their cage is a suprise and they have to find it. They really look foward to going back to their cage and looking for their treat, and it`s fun to watch.

It`s kind of soon to start being aggressive, but each fid is differant and their own.

This may be a case of sibling rivalry and if you have kids you know what that is all about.

They may each have to have their own time out of the cage untill this passes.

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Hi Karen

Some thing I do with all my fids and this has worked for me and may be worth a try for you.

When my birds are out my wife or I will put a treat some place in their cage and never in the same spot so they know that some place in their cage is a suprise and they have to find it. They really look foward to going back to their cage and looking for their treat, and it`s fun to watch.

It`s kind of soon to start being aggressive, but each fid is differant and their own.

This may be a case of sibling rivalry and if you have kids you know what that is all about.

They may each have to have their own time out of the cage untill this passes.


That's a great idea will give that a try. Thank you.

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Hello everyone,


Chili will be 2 in May and he is fully flighted.


I can see changes and I don't know if they are normal or the beginning signs of aggression.


He's always liked to fly in and out if the bird room but lately when he flies back in the room and we're in the room he will fly very close and sometimes skim our heads.


I think he is jealous when I interact with Maccardi or Slater as he will try his hardest to get my attention when I interact with them. Sometimes Maccardi will be sitting by himself minding his own business and Chili will swoop down skimming Maccardis head!!!!. If I am sweeping the room he flies after the the broom handle.


If he is sitting next to me he tries to give me love bites which I'm afraid will turn into biting. When is displays any of these behaviors I'll put him in his cage. However, because he is fully flighted it is not always easy to get him to come to me because he knows now that I'm going to put him in his cage. I used to be able to show him his favorite treat and he fly to me but because he knows that I'm going to put him in his cage this tactic doesn't work all the time anymore.


How do I handle him?




I have to admit...I was laughing a little about the head fly-by's. Isaac likes to do this when I am getting ready to feed him. I actually love it...sometimes I can feel his feet skim my head. He is very accurate about how close he comes. Anyway, Isaac is expressing his excitement, but it seems like your lil guy is expressing his jealousy there.


Also, Isaac would love to help me sweep or use anything with a handle. Isaac has a general habit of even biting my hand if I am holding something he wants or doesn't want me holding. I have no idea how to curb it. Like you say, he is flighted and the point of caging him can be lost in trying to do it. So now, i just understand that I have to do some ninja crap if I want to change TV channels and the like. I await a better solution just as eagerly as you.

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My zon, Louie, a re-home, is now 4 years old. He does not let me touch him but he can touch me. He likes to do a military fly by before landing on my shoulder. .. but in Chili's case it does sound like it is a "Hey you that's my person." get away tactic. Instead of a punishment, I would give Chili Pepper a talking to and tell him "no fighting" and after you have done whatever you are doing with Maccardi or Slater, give Chili Pepper some special time of his own. My three are all flighted and out all day and they use to fight all the time. They have learned what "no fighting" means and to respect each ones special time with me. Watching them and correcting their attitudes has take time and lots of attention, but now I can leave them alone and know that they have learned to respect each other's distance and no longer battle like warriors.

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My zon, Louie, a re-home, is now 4 years old. He does not let me touch him but he can touch me. He likes to do a military fly by before landing on my shoulder. .. but in Chili's case it does sound like it is a "Hey you that's my person." get away tactic. Instead of a punishment, I would give Chili Pepper a talking to and tell him "no fighting" and after you have done whatever you are doing with Maccardi or Slater, give Chili Pepper some special time of his own. My three are all flighted and out all day and they use to fight all the time. They have learned what "no fighting" means and to respect each ones special time with me. Watching them and correcting their attitudes has take time and lots of attention, but now I can leave them alone and know that they have learned to respect each other's distance and no longer battle like warriors.


Well I'm glad I'm not alone here. Im sure I mentioned in previous posts that all 3 are out all day and they seem to respect each others space. I think (I know) it's when I come into the picture that Chili acts the way he does. No one else does this and all 3 are flighted. So how did you teach thme what no fighting means?



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I have to admit...I was laughing a little about the head fly-by's. Isaac likes to do this when I am getting ready to feed him. I actually love it...sometimes I can feel his feet skim my head. He is very accurate about how close he comes. Anyway, Isaac is expressing his excitement, but it seems like your lil guy is expressing his jealousy there.


Also, Isaac would love to help me sweep or use anything with a handle. Isaac has a general habit of even biting my hand if I am holding something he wants or doesn't want me holding. I have no idea how to curb it. Like you say, he is flighted and the point of caging him can be lost in trying to do it. So now, i just understand that I have to do some ninja crap if I want to change TV channels and the like. I await a better solution just as eagerly as you.


Yes, ,Yes!!! I can feel a wing or a foot skim my heat too sometimes. I know he really wants to be on my shoulder and I'm pretty sure that's the reason for his fly-by's and probably some jealousy. Whever he lands on me I shake him off. He is a presistent little guy. I would not mind him sitting on me but I've heard some real horror stories so I don't let anyone sit on my shoulder.

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When one, usually Ana Grey or Louie would try to bite the other, I would say, "no fighting" at first I had to stand up and start toward them before the fighting stopped. You have to be constant and not miss a beat. In the beginning I did have to shoo at them to stop them. After awhile all I had to say was "no fighting" and they would stop. You do have to keep at it.

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