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what has your grey destroyed


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sometimes I'm hanging out with Archimedes and I could consider him a tornado.... a gush of wind and destruction is bound to happen... luckily so far it hasn't, but I'm sure it's not far from happening. So i'm just curious.... was the first thing your grey destroyed.... bonus points if theres a story behind it

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Let`s see wood work, picture frames that may be close to their cage, We live in a log cabin so there are the walls, place mats on the table. books, arms on a chair, raling going up the steps, carpet, cupboard doors, jewelry, do you need more.

The story is they just do it when you are not looking.

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I can only wear gold or silver, not the cheap stuff, so I have a gold crucifix my daughter gave me. The first year, Ana Grey quickly nibbled on the chain and it could not be repaired. After that it was my keyboards. I can slide the keyboard drawer under my desk and she can still get down and pop the "ctrl" keys. So I have had to keep my parrots out of my office to protect my machines. But mostly Ana Grey as she is the tinker in the gang.

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The story is they just do it when you are not looking.


A funny note regarding this. Isaac will actually be more mischievous when I am looking right at him! Take the tweeters on my speakers for instance. He will calmly sit on top of this speaker when i am not looking. If I go outside for a second, he likes to retreat to this location as it is the perfect vantage point for him to be if something unexpected should happen or someone else should come in. Everytime I come back in, he is on top of that speaker but he is not going for the tweeter. It is when i am sitting at the computer, and he is trying to get my attention that he will threaten to bite the tweeter. He will actually bring his head close to it first...and look at me....waiting for me to stop him or scold him. He will sometimes say "BOOOOY!" like I do when I scold him. His next move is to place his beak right next to the tweeter and make click sounds with his beak....like he is faking tearing it up. By that time, he has me, I am up out of my chair chasing him off the speaker. That is a blatent example of him playing the hell out of me. LOL. I know it's not the same point...they can get into trouble when yer not looking, but maybe not always when yer not looking ;)

Edited by Elvenking
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sometimes I'm hanging out with Archimedes and I could consider him a tornado.... a gush of wind and destruction is bound to happen... luckily so far it hasn't, but I'm sure it's not far from happening. So i'm just curious.... was the first thing your grey destroyed.... bonus points if theres a story behind it


The biggest thing Isaac has destroyed was my Droid 2 phone with the slide-out tactile keyboard. I fell asleep with this phone in my pocket. Isaac chewed the seams off my pants pocket to rip it open....got the phone out and chewed all the keys off the tactile keyboard. That is when I found out that a new one without a contract agreement is around 600 dollars. He has cost me a lot of money in keyboards, I am almost out of ceramic and glass cups...can't keep a full set to save my life. My computer chair is something of a sight to behold...lol....I will have to post a picture sometime.

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Shirt buttons.

Woollen sweater shoulders.




Book cases.

Plates (dropping)


TV remote.

Record sleeves.

CD boxes.

Dado rails.

The draw on a chest. (To be fair it is his draw as I gave it to him after he commandeered it as a forage box!)

If I open any draw or cupboard he feels compelled to jump in ! Can be quite a battle some times!

A draw full of cassette tapes. He carefully picked up each cassette pulled it out of its case drew out the tape and dropped it on the floor!:mad:

Emptying drawers is a favorit past time of his and he can open surprisingly heavy draws.

Pulled walpaper off a wall.

Two pairs of glasses.

Countless assorted things.

Computer keyboards.

USB cables.

My sanity!:eek:


Steve n Misty

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6 laptop keys (up, down, right arrow, page down, shift)

The curtains



Anything sparkly or shiny (especially earrings and necklaces)

The buttons off the TV remote

Several drinking glasses


The best story I have is once, we had Noodle downstairs in the living room, and he is usually fine out of his cage for short periods of time when we aren't around. However, on this occasion, my car battery died and I got stranded away from the house for several hours! When I got back, Noodle had "made his mark" on literally everything in the room and pooped on everything else xD I really hope he had fun being and unsupervised Mr. Destructo while we were stuck out!

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LOL all! I can't even think of listing everything Sophie has destroyed. I did relate best to Mistyparrot. Curtains, were her favorite thing to destroy, so now, I have no curtains on the lower half of our house. ( better light anyway!) I agree with her design. When I put in a new kitchen last year, it was designed, so she wouldn't desire to destroy it. It has worked! She LOVES the new countertop, and loves to run back and forth and listen to her footsteps.

You have to remember, I have open cage policy. It doesn't work for all. She definitely doesn't chew furniture or couches. I would say.... Sophie's favorite thing to destroy, is the zipper on my purse. I am on my third purse past two months. Anyone have any ideas? She can't pass a zipper! Nancy

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Thanks Wingy! I need serious help with Sophie's infatuation with the zipper! Nancy


Yes,zippers never zip in my house. I have replaced most of our oats with metal zippers, but even those are no match for my greys....:(

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Nothing yet, but you only have to leave them alone out of the cage unsupervised for a minute! Missy only has three places in our house we allow her to perch, one is her cage top where she can cause no trouble (so far), the other is her wooden perch/stand in the living room & the other is the shower screen in the bathroom. In the bathroom she does like to try & chew my shower gel bottles but as I'm there with her she doesn't get the chance. In the living room she stays on her perch unless you leave the room, then you hear the wings as she starts flying so I rush back in to see what she is up to. Most often she flys to the top of the door but she is so used to me shooing her off, that as soon as she sees me appear, she is back on her stand as if nothing has happened. :rolleyes: I'm sure that if I left her there for a couple of minutes there would be some destruction.


The key to having them not destroy your house is constant supervision when out of the cage & give them plenty of toys to chew while in their cage & on there perches etc. when Missy is on her stand in the living room with us she has toys attached to it that keep her entertained for hours. Also just make sure there is nothing within reach of where they perch, for example if you had a picture frame above their cage/stand, that would be chewed for sure. :P


Murphy my last grey did chew the edge of the leather sofa one day, sneaky little devil.

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