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Marcus Enjoying His Sweet Pepper


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Today I shot this cute little video of Marcus enjoying some organic sweet pepper... that is his new favorite food, and "pepper" is his new 'food word' that he generally uses anymore to indicate that he is hungry besides the occasional "Want some". (This is a big step up from everything being called "french fry"!!) In any event, in this video he also talks a little bit: At the mumbly part, if you turn the volume up enough and can tolerate my booming voice besides, you can hear that he says "A pepper" and then "That's it!" as he drops it in his bowl. Afterward, more clearly, he says, "Mmm, like it!"


Just wanted to share. :)


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smiles .. that is really cute! You have Marcus ... I named my baby Marco .. :D I hope he likes all them yummy foods too! They are starting him on lots of fruits and veges at the store already. Hes doing really well.


I'm so glad to hear it! :) I'm sure if your Marco is raised on good foods they will just naturally become a part of him. We had to work at it to get our fids to eat their veggies and fruits because they came to us with less-than-stellar diets--Bunsen is the only one who won't touch the 'real' foods anymore, but at least she enjoys her pellets now over the supermarket birdseed mix she had been given before.

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I'm so glad to hear it! :) I'm sure if your Marco is raised on good foods they will just naturally become a part of him. We had to work at it to get our fids to eat their veggies and fruits because they came to us with less-than-stellar diets--Bunsen is the only one who won't touch the 'real' foods anymore, but at least she enjoys her pellets now over the supermarket birdseed mix she had been given before.

I am so thankful that the store he is at is doing such an amazing job raising him. I leave there feeling so good about his care and the people are sooo nice. It really helps ease my mind and will definately make it easier once i get him home to continue to feed him based off their established diet. I cant wait to make some of that yummy birdie bread too I hear you can definately hide some veges in there lol :D your flock is just beautiful

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  • 3 weeks later...

Every morning, I cut up some veggies for Ellie (typically: jalapeno pepper, bell pepper, squash, carrot, dark greens (kale or turnip greens), ginger, peas, green beans, corn on the cob, various other types of pepper, etc.)


She ALWAYS goes for the corn on the cob. Loves that!


As to the rest of the stuff, she eats some and other stuff she just throws to the bottom of the cage. Some times it is hard to see what she is actually eating versus dismantling. (The bottom of the cage looks like a vegetable war zone...)


I don't know how much she really eats, but I try to give her a good variety from which to choose.


I do know she eats plenty of her pellets...


Her she is destroying the parts of a red bell pepper that I wasn't using for dinner: stem, core & seeds....



Fresh veggie devastation! by shyzaboy, on Flickr

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