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Hello from Sweden!

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Hello everyone!

My name is Linnea and I am an admirer of the african grey bird since about 2 years back, when i discovered some small videos about the bird on the net. after that i did a thorough research on the net as well as checked out what some bird owners thought about the bird itself.


i do not own an african grey, but i am very much interested in getting one as soon as i have a budget that will allow me to purchase what is needed.


I am also a reptile owner (blue tongue skink<3). Other hobbies are photography, drawing, reading, videogames and nature sightseeing (traveling abroad or just being outdoors).


i took a great step in finally becoming a member here x.x so ill be reading all your posts from now on, and i will gladly listen to any new advice i can get!

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Hi Linnea and welcome to the grey forum.

We have a lot of new grey owners, Long time grey owners and members that want to be grey owners or grey parents along with many other parrot species.

Ask any question you may have and read all you can and we are here to help tou in any way we can.

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thank you all for the encouraging welcoming words.


I was just wondering....im very used to using only one pet related website, and it has a caresheet that is easy accessible, is there any such thing here?

of course ive been taking notes from so many different websites with caresheets already but i think id like to trust this specialized website a lot more!


if i am looking for african greys in countries close to me, is there any club or the like i could join or famous breeders close by to visit?

i found lots of breeders through a regular trading site called blocket, but i kinda dont trust that the birds are from a good breeder since the website also has a lot of animals in bad shape, in particular reptiles which i specialize in. (though ive only been a herp owner for one year, and its working great!)


do greys have anything against lizards? i know all new things can be scary, and i wont introduce them to one another, but im sure a grey could get into the terrarium if it really tried. im just worried if a grey might show aggression towards a medium sized lizard? (possibly jealousy)


is anyone here allergic to a lot of things and still having no problems with greys in well ventilated houses? i have lots of allergies, so mammals are a no no. i wish to make sure that i can handle the dust from this particular bird when i clean every day. if there is a smart way to clean id love to learn! (im wearing a mask while changing substrate for my lizard, i show no signs of allergy for birds)

my allergies have followed me my whole life and doesnt bother me, however i recently developed allergy to several mammals. its made me litterally depressed as i was hoping to get a sociable pet when i was older and got my own place (im 19, i hope to get a grey before 25 since i counted the estimated lifeleght of the bird and myself). Keeping a bird would be important to me, and i dont mind having it outdoors half year.


im outdoors a lot so if i had a parrot it would probably mean at least two walks a day - is this okay for a bird that has had time to settle in? there isnt a lot of people around here, and i can avoid them completely and just walk in nature if its good.

how about when its cold outdoors, are walks okay?


i can think of so many questions but ill save them for later since i wanna see what i can find in the topics already written.

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Helllo Linnea and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you are doing your research before you take the plunge into grey ownership.

You will learn a lot from reading thru the threads here, they are full of firsthand knowledge from experienced grey owners and do not hesitate to ask questions and we will help you in any way we can.

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