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CAG confused, thinks red ball is an egg and treats it as such. Any ideas?

Guest Eilidh

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Elidih... remove the ball, and do it for good. Let her scream. Give it 24 hours. ( don't plan on returning it). Empathize with her. Love her. But don't return the ball. It is hard to be a parent, and make difficult decisions. Being a parent, requires us to make difficult decisions, and I do so, all the time. Certainly, I become very unpopular. It doesn't bother me. I make many unpopular choices. All our birds know it, but respect me. They know I listen " fairly", but when I make the decision, the decision is made.

Even my rescue, Sunbconure walks in and complains. He can't say a word, but when he is done, I know what he has said. " Girls are crowding him, they want him to love him, and he wants some space! I remind him, it is up to him, to let them know. I then watch the situation, and if they are crowding him, I let them know.( I( watch daily, until they get it!) Nancy

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i would get a cage with a grate. that would do wonders in getting her out of "nesting" material.


are you sure your bird is only 2? she looks and behaves much older than 2, and are you sure your bird is not a breeder bird?

Edited by carlsjr
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  • 2 months later...
Guest Eilidh

Well, I found a resolve that worked for chippy.

I went home with him (i study in a different city) and he was too distracted by greeting everyone on the train and looking out the window etc that he forgot about the ball. Then at home I let him explore around, as he'd only been once breifly, and so he still ignored the ball. Even when we went back to where I live while studying, he couldnt care less about the ball. I chucked it out, no qualms from him. Also, I use a different forum now, to the people that were positivley productive in helping me find a resolution; thank you. (:

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Also, I use a different forum now, to the people that were positivley productive in helping me find a resolution; thank you. (:


Thank you so much for finding someone who could help your baby, I can see why you couldn't help him yourself, that requires some one who can except something they might not want to hear, and listen to some one other than themselves.

I known you don't want to hear this, as others have warned you, you need to clean your baby's cage, he could already be dying from bacteria and who knows what, the cage is a death trap!!!

I can see why you don't read "P.M's" You don't read the post that other people take time to write to offer help to you either...I personally feel your only concern is you "Ego", not your Grey. Buy a book, learn Parrot care, [like clean and proper cage's..] Remove the keyboard and learn how to read and comprehend, and please save you Grey from that death cage!!!

This is strictly my opinion, not that of other members on this GREYT Forum, their smarter then I am, they wouldn't waste there time. IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, GET YOU GREY A PROPER CAGE!!!!!





Was I rude? Sorry.....:cool:

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I am a vet student, I can provide some advice but...
Sorry, I'm a Nobody!!!

If you experience any symproms of ill health in any animal, please
refer to a licensed vet and not the internet.

Many practices provide a 24/7 phone number you can call for queries and appointments, most get you through to an on call vet who you should explain your situation to.

You can also find me at;
where I answer queries regarding geckos.

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Not to mention that there are plenty of online stores in the UK who deliver suitable cages... the solutions offered were in front of the op the entire time but perhaps a little too common sense and not sciencey enough... certainly not the best approach to making friends! It sounds like they'll need some help taking care of the bird including the basics *facepalm* sorry to the people who were just trying to help and got shot down for it- the advice here is usually very much appreciated, I guess you can't please everyone :)

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Let it go and move on :) Anyone who comes back to say that they've found a new forum is only out to ruffle feathers.


And Jayd, while I agree that the cage needed replaced - this poster clearly didn't really want advice from anyone here. Hopefully her new forum will be able to persuade her!

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