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Is there such a thing as a cage that is too big?


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I was at my local bird store, and one of the employee's told me that for greys theres a "perfect size" cage that they MUST have in order to be happy anything bigger or smaller they will be stressed. Seems weird to me, as I've always been told as big as you can afford. It's making me wonder if my cage is too big and causing my bird to pluck?? His cage is roughly 4 feet by 3 feet and about 5 feet tall. Is that too big?!?!?

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I highly doubt it. The only issue that I have heard of with large cages are if the bars are too far apart (injury and escape risk) or if the cage is a little too empty (stressful, boring, etc.). You can try adding a couple more perches or ladders, or even a cozy hut to make it seem more homey along with his favorite toys.


Do you have any pictures of the cage as it is now? I'd love to see it!

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Actually... there IS a cage that is too big! Greys tend to prefer a more compact cage. I would suggest a cage that is forever! When I tried to upgrade..... it took Sophie a YEAR to accept new cage. It was a palace, and gathered dust!. I learned... and learned what she valued. She doesn't give a hoot about a new cage. She just wanted everyone to be happy! If other birds liked the new cage, so did she. Nancy

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It depends on how much time your grey has to spend in his/her cage. I have three parrots and they all have the same size cages and are very happy. They are out most of the day and basically just sleep in their cages at night. Their cages are described as medium-sized. Some members believe the bigger the better.

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we have a 42 x 36 inch cage for our timneh its big. Rita spends a significant amount of most days with the cage door open and the ability to leave the cage and climb around the toys on top and the hanging swings above her cage. This of it this way, yes the cages are large, but 6-12 inches of space in our home isn't very much to us as humans, but in a cage 6-12 inches bigger is a lot more room to a bird

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I do not think a cage can be too large

Many of the cages I see here on the forum is in my eyes too small.

The minimum legal size in Sweden for an african gray

Length 1.2 meters Height 1.0 meters width of the space where the birds reside should be at least twice the bird's length, but at least 45 cm. For a African grey 0.70 meters width.

Edited by Bosse
Speling errors.
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