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Baby Grey


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Hi all,

I had my weekly visit with my baby over the weekend, I love my fid. He/she has learned how to get what she wants(a head scratch from mom), too cute how she put her head down and started messing with my fingers too let me know. Well I know I am in trouble because I can't stop shopping for my new baby. My children, 18 and 15 put the cage together and I found a Java tree in the pet store. What else do I need? Here are the new pictures of my baby.



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Been there and done that, you want to have everything your new baby may possibly need and a Java tree will be very useful, of course you have a big cage, a travel cage, toys, foods, newspapers to line the cage floor and of course a camera to capture all those precious moments to come.

Your baby is adorable, thanks for sharing the pics with us, when are you going to find out the sex and any ideas on a name yet?

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That's what I don't have yet a travel cage, thank you. Breeder is gone to DNA test this week. She seems to think I have a little girl. So I'm thinking of the name Whitney. The cage really looks big but you guys told me big is good, the size is 40x30x75. Oh my daughter has fallen in love with a baby sun conure soooo it looks as if I'm going to have a grandfid,lol.

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Find a vet and an emergency vet. Put the numbers where you won't loose them. If something happens at night or on a Sunday you don't want to waste time finding an emergency vet. Get some clotting powder or gel, use it next time your 15 year old has a small cut and tell him to thrash around like a two year old while you do it, practice makes perfect. Start saving newspapers.

  • Haha 1
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Besides needing a vet and travel cage, you need a groomer, and a playstand with toys. Make a plan on diet including intoduction to frsh fruits and veggies. You also need to learn the basics of " stepup, stepdown". Vital! Wrist status versus shoulder status, needs to be decided. Introduction to other family members, their responsibility, as well as other pet members. I know it sounds overwhelming, but actually, it is not. Sophie was the best thing, that happened to our family, and it wasn't hard at all. We had no clue what to do, and it all worked out. I wish I had the knowledge I have now, and am offering to you. ALWAYS remember, YOU are the parent, they are the child. You are not here to please them, you are not here to let them make you doubt yourself. You are here, to provide them with an enviroment that includes Safety, food and stimulating toys. A family enviroment, that now includes them. You are the parent! They will try and manipulate the situation,never give in! Develop trust and consistency. Nancy

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  • 3 weeks later...
That's what I don't have yet a travel cage, thank you. Breeder is gone to DNA test this week. She seems to think I have a little girl. So I'm thinking of the name Whitney. The cage really looks big but you guys told me big is good, the size is 40x30x75. Oh my daughter has fallen in love with a baby sun conure soooo it looks as if I'm going to have a grandfid,lol.
ooo whitney is a cute name :D


Today's visit with my baby grey. I love this little bird!
awww im glad i got to see these pics :D


Judy, you are clearly wrong. That is an adorable little boy.


I am always right, fifty percent of the time...



aww I have a little girl too :D it'll be fun when we get them home ... I cant wait .. beautiful pics your baby looks darker then mine ... thats pretty cool

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I know. Something strange happened while visiting her Saturday, I may be wrong but if a paid any other bird or person some attention while holding my baby she started nibbling on my fingers, making noises or would kind jumb from my finger to my chest. Can birds get jealous?

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Ok, I will just believe that she loves me as much as I love her and we really only get an hour or two together so that should be our time. Really though it is kind of sweet and I don't mind at all,lol. Still trying to decide on a name, so far I like Whitney and Nala.

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I picked Elegua from the version of the Yorùbá religion practiced by the Caribbean descendants of the slaves brought over from west Africa (where our bird friends originated).


A couple of names from Yorùbá that I seriously considered were:

* Anansi

* Shango


Both are male, but then so is Elegua...


(It seems that the only female goddesses are the nurturing, earth-mother sort. Didn't seem the right fit for a Grey's personality...)

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Well it seems I will have to wait a few more weeks before I can bring my baby girl home. The breeder says she is still on two feedings a day and is still very excited to be fed. I thought she was going to come home next weekend. This seems to be taking a while compared to others I see weaned at three months. My baby was hatched on 11/13/11. Is this ok or should I be concerned?

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