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Twix is sick!


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I don't know what's wrong with him, but he didn't eat anything since 5 hours and his energy has gone down. He does not whistle anymore and he seems very week. Eyes half closed and staying on the perch sleeping most of his time. He vomited 15 minutes ago, so i got very worried and started searching for an emergency vet. I didn't get lucky with my search yet and i can't get hold of the Vet i know.


Is Twix very sick, will he make it throw the night and hold until i take him to the vet in the morning? I am very very worried and feeling sad already.

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When we lived in Dubai, some friends said the nearest avian vet was in Abu Dhabi and they took their African Grey to a falconry. My heart is with you, I have been where you are with a sick bird. Do what you can to keep him warm. It is more serious if he goes to the bottom of his cage than if he is perching. Keeping him warm and finding a vet is the most important thing I think. Good luck. I love him and I am so far away and haven't held him in my arms as you have, your love is ten thousand times deeper. Stay calm and talk gently, he understands you already.

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Just got a call back from the same Avian Vet in Abu Dhabi, he said that my bird could be infected with this "Psittacine beak and feather disease". He asked me many questions and i gave his the answers. Then he told me they will not be able to cure him, and that i will be wasting my money!!!!!!!!! He said they had many cases like mine and they all ended up with dead parrots, it takes less than 24 hours for the death to happen.

All i am doing now is keeping him warm and talking to him gently like you said. My heart is broken already and i can't imagine my life without him. I am praying he will recover and get better in the morning. Please pray for him. Thank you

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Don't despair just yet. It isn't going to be a waste of money if it is a bacterial infection that can be cured with an antibiotic and they won't know without seeing him and testing. An antibiotic could be all that he needs. Take him anyway because they are giving you a worse case scenario and preparing you for the cost because some people don't care enough to pay the vet bills when they get there. I'm still with you and giving you all my prayers. The most important result is you will have a vet who knows you and maybe you can get a phone number for emergencies and help you through the care of Twix. Don't jump to dire conclusions until you have a definitive diagnosis. Keep heart and love your little fellow and hold on until morning.

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One thing i will do for sure is to be at the Vet door first thing in the morning, the cost is nothing compared to the joy of having him back as healthy as he should be. He is still holding on on the perch, i am right next to the cage. I have covered the cage and pointed my laptop fan towards the cage too (The laptop blow hot air towards the cage). I can't sleep and i won't go to work tomorrow.

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I agree with the others; keeping him warm, comfortable, and secure is what's most important right now. Just keep your head up and don't lose hope yet! I've seen vets work miracles before, and you can't make a judgement call without trying everything you can first. Twix is probably pretty scared right now, but he knows that you love him and that you will take care of him. Just be with him :) I'm sorry that I don't have much medical advice, but I've been with many pets (mine and others') while they were sick or near the end of their time and sometimes emotional support and love is the best medicine there is! Don't lose hope; Noodle, Cody and I are praying for you.

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Oh dear, poor sweet baby. I know how heartsick you must feel, please be strong for Twix- he will sense your fear & anxiety. Do get him in to the vet asap & keep us posted. We are all sending powerful prayers for strength & healing.

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You and Twix were the last thing I thought of before falling asleep and the first thing when I awakened. It had to have been the scariest night of your life. Hopefully this morning you were able to get him to the vet and get some answers. Sometimes it takes a little while to see progress. My heart is with you, you won't regret the love and care and sleepless nights for your little one.

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Twix has passed away today, the vet couldn't help. He gave him an injection and some medicine in his mouth, he stayed there for about 5 hours, but then the vet called me to tell me that Twix is gone. The vet thinks it's a virus, and couldn't tell exactly what it is, i think he wasn't professional enough to diagnose Twix properly. The whole family is sad now and my daughter is asking where he is now. We told her he flew to meet his friends in heaven. Went high up in the sky. We had great moments and although was very short. But he will surely be remembered for as long as we live. We are not planning to buy another one, as we won't go through the same again. Thank you all for your support.

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I am so sorry. Rest assured it was nothing you could have prevented and your love for Twix put him in the kindest gentlest hands for his short time but your life with him was his entire lifetime. He was so lucky that you were the one to care for him and love him so deeply. I am so sorry for the heartbreak and loss for your entire family. I have been where you are with a baby, twice. Your grief is so powerful right now, be kind to yourself. In time the sweetest memories of being with Twix will come through.

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Reading your kind comments was so comforting, Thank you for that. We can't stop looking at his cage, filled with toys and food. Makes us sad every minute, we are missing him so much. A friend has offered to buy us another one and to call him Twix as well but my wife and I refused, we don't think there will be another parrot who is as sweet as him. Maybe we will accept that in the future. Take care of your lovely parrots, you never know how much you will miss them when they're gone.

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No words can comfort your pain, so I will just say that I am so sorry for your loss! You were so kind to twix, and hopefully you will be able to open your heart to another grey that deserves your families loving heart.


blessings and light....

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