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Hello from Ohio!


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Hi everyone!


My name is Jason, and I'm the newest member of the Grey Forums.


Warning... I enjoy writing, so this might turn into a long introduction post :)


First, I'll start with a little about myself:


I was born, raised, and still live in Cleveland, Ohio. After graduating High School, I joined the Military as an Infantryman, where I spent just under five years on active duty. I was deployed to Iraq twice, which quickly turned me from a child into a man. After being honorably discharged at the end of my contract, I used the G.I. Bill and other educational benefits I earned to get a degree in Marketing.


Currently, I run my own consulting business, where I specialize in Online and Mobile marketing (everything from building desktop/mobile websites, to actually getting the right people's eyes on a product or service).


Everyone always says to do what you love, and it will never feel like a job, and I'm definitely lucky to have found a career that I truly enjoy. It's a great feeling to know that I'm helping our small business community and economy, even if I'm just making a tiny impact in the grand scheme of things.


My experience with feathered friends:


Growing up, I always had birds in my life. It started when my father's best friend passed away and we took in his Yellow Naped Amazon named Socrates. He wasn't just a pet. He was part of the family. I was just a child then, but to this day, I swear I can remember having full-blown conversations with Socrates.


Socrates lived to about the age of 27, and when he passed, it was just like losing a family member. It took us a while to get over the loss, but eventually, we got another bird. My parents couldn't afford to get anything but a cockatiel. In no way am I saying cockatiel's aren't great birds, but it just didn't compare to having a bird with the intelligence level that Socrates had.


When I started high school and was able to get my own job, I saved up enough money to get a Quaker. His name was Paulie. He was 100% my responsibility, as that was the deal my parents made with me before they allowed me to bring him into our home. He built up a decent vocabulary, read the sports page with me on a daily basis, and even played Peek-a-Boo with me, popping his head around the corner and saying "peek-a-boo".


When I joined the Military, my parents said he was too much for them to take care of, so I had to give him to my aunt to take care of while I was gone. While in the Army for just under 5 years, my aunt and Paulie built a great relationship with each another. It would've been unfair to both of them to ask for Paulie back, so to this day, he still lives with my aunt. Unfortunately, she is in a different state, so I can't visit him as often as I'd like.


What brings me to this community?


I finally feel like I have the stability and time to take in a new feathered friend. I'm single, live alone, and work from my home office, so I'll be able to give him/her the attention he/she needs. I've been looking into various types of parrots, and out of them all, the Grey seems to be the parrot calling my name.


I understand that Greys are completely unique and nothing like any of the birds I've had in the past, so before I bring one in, I want to learn as much as possible about them. Sure, I could go out and buy a few books, but reading a book cannot compare to being part of a community where I can ask questions, and learn from others and their experiences. So, I "googled" for a Grey forum, and here I am :)


At first, I probably won't be posting too much. Instead, I'll be doing a lot of reading, observing, and learning. But, I warm up quickly, so don't be surprised to see me post every now and then.




Ok... I think this post is long enough! Sorry for making you read so much ;)


I really look forward to interacting with and learning from everyone in this community!

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Welcome to our greyt family Jason. I very much enjoyed your introduction! It was probably the best ever written here.:) First and for most, I would like to personally Thank you for your service to our country. It is a difficult commitment, but one that takes bravery, and it is such a selfless act. I applaud you and am glad you are back home safe & sound doing what you love!


You have come to the right place, We have many members full of expertise and knowledge, not to mention experience. It is great that you are researching first so you know all you are in for. Please feel free to comment, ask questions and join in the fun. You dont need to have a bird to be a contributor. I have a yellow crowned amazon, and would love it if you go to our Amazon Room and share your experience and stories!!

I look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi Jason and welcome to the grey forum.

This forum has a lot to offer to the new and long time parrot person(I do not like to use parrot owner because after eleven years with a grey who owns who is up for grabs)

Greys are very smart as you will find out, but I also have a blue fronted amazon and you know how smart a zon is.

So if you ever get a zon we also have a great amazon room.


P.S. I also live in north east Ohio in Newbury just south of Chardon. We have many Ohio members

Edited by Ray P
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Welcome to our greyt family Jason. I very much enjoyed your introduction! It was probably the best ever written here.:) First and for most, I would like to personally Thank you for your service to our country. It is a difficult commitment, but one that takes bravery, and it is such a selfless act. I applaud you and am glad you are back home safe & sound doing what you love!


You have come to the right place, We have many members full of expertise and knowledge, not to mention experience. It is great that you are researching first so you know all you are in for. Please feel free to comment, ask questions and join in the fun. You dont need to have a bird to be a contributor. I have a yellow crowned amazon, and would love it if you go to our Amazon Room and share your experience and stories!!

I look forward to hearing more from you.


Thank you very much for appreciating my service! I'm also glad that you enjoyed reading my intro post. "the best ever written" is very humbling :)



Hi Jason and welcome to the grey forum.

This forum has a lot to offer to the new and long time parrot person(I do not like to use parrot owner because after eleven years with a grey who owns who is up for grabs)

Greys are very smart as you will find out, but I also have a blue fronted amazon and you know how smart a zon is.

So if you ever get a zon we also have a great amazon room.


P.S. I also live in north east Ohio in Newbury just south of Chardon. We have many Ohio members


I agree with you. I hate using the word "own" when it comes to any animals. We are lucky to have their companionship. I own a car... not a living, breathing, thinking, loving creature.


It's nice to know that there are other Ohioans around here. Especially other North East Ohioans like yourself!

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Hi Jason, I truly enjoyed reading your post! What a great introduction. I look forward to traveling with you on your journey to find the right grey for you. Are in interested in a Congo or a Timneh African Grey? Whichever you choose, I believe your grey will have a very loving forever home. Welcome to the Grey family!

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Glad you are here Jason. I joined this forum as a complete newbie with regards to birds of any description. Like you, I was interested in getting a grey and needed to do some research to be sure it would be a good fit. I have found it an invaluable resource. I've had my Congo baby about two and a half months and the grey forums have been here for me every step of the way from early research, to selecting a baby, to preparing my home, and then the fun part--life with a grey! You have certainly come to the right place.

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Hello Jason and welcome to our family, so glad to have a former infantryman among our members, I do appreciate what each and every one of our servicemen have done for our country and continue to do, we owe you a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid, thanks so much.

You don't know how much we appreciate the fact that you are doing your research to find out if a grey is the right fit for you and if it is then you will have done your homework and the relationship you begin with a grey will be most rewarding for when you know what you are getting into then you are more apt to handle any problems that may come up and nothing is perfect.

You write an excellent introduction telling some about yourself and past experiences with birds, that Paulie sounds like a wonderful little quaker but you are right in that he has found a new home, is happy and better off with your aunt.

Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information, it is firsthand knowledge from experienced grey owners who share what they know and if you have any questions feel free to ask and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hi Jason, I truly enjoyed reading your post! What a great introduction. I look forward to traveling with you on your journey to find the right grey for you. Are in interested in a Congo or a Timneh African Grey? Whichever you choose, I believe your grey will have a very loving forever home. Welcome to the Grey family!


Thanks for complimenting my introduction :)


To answer your question about whether I want a Congo or Timneh, I really don't have a preference. I know there are some differences between the two, but to be honest, I won't make my decision based on whether it's a Congo or Timneh. I believe that when the time comes, whether its a Congo or Timneh, I'll know whether its the grey for me or not.


The spontaneous part of me tells me to get the first grey I can find and afford, but I've listened to that part of me in the past with some regret, and since this decision is going to be something that I'll have to be prepared to live with for the rest of my life, I'm going to ignore the spontaneous part of me this time around and let fate do its job.

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Glad you are here Jason. I joined this forum as a complete newbie with regards to birds of any description. Like you, I was interested in getting a grey and needed to do some research to be sure it would be a good fit. I have found it an invaluable resource. I've had my Congo baby about two and a half months and the grey forums have been here for me every step of the way from early research, to selecting a baby, to preparing my home, and then the fun part--life with a grey! You have certainly come to the right place.


Thank you for the warm welcome! It's nice to know that with the help of this community, you gained the knowledge and confidence to bring a Congo into your home. That proves to me that I joined the perfect community at the perfect time - before I made any drastic decisions.


Hello Jason and welcome to our family, so glad to have a former infantryman among our members, I do appreciate what each and every one of our servicemen have done for our country and continue to do, we owe you a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid, thanks so much.

You don't know how much we appreciate the fact that you are doing your research to find out if a grey is the right fit for you and if it is then you will have done your homework and the relationship you begin with a grey will be most rewarding for when you know what you are getting into then you are more apt to handle any problems that may come up and nothing is perfect.

You write an excellent introduction telling some about yourself and past experiences with birds, that Paulie sounds like a wonderful little quaker but you are right in that he has found a new home, is happy and better off with your aunt.

Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information, it is firsthand knowledge from experienced grey owners who share what they know and if you have any questions feel free to ask and we will help you in any way we can.


Thank you for your gratitude and warm welcome :)


And, thanks for the "kudos" for doing my research. I've seen too many instances where people jump into bringing animals into their homes without being prepared. The people are never punished for their poor decisions! Instead, the innocent animals are the ones who suffer.

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Hello fellow Clevelander! What a great intro. It wasnt so long. I actually just adopted a 5 month old grey. DNA sexed female. She is beautiful! We named her Roxie so glad you are a part of this awesome forum. Everyone here is very knowledgeable you can never ask to many questions. Hope to talk to you soon Jason

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Hello fellow Clevelander! What a great intro. It wasnt so long. I actually just adopted a 5 month old grey. DNA sexed female. She is beautiful! We named her Roxie so glad you are a part of this awesome forum. Everyone here is very knowledgeable you can never ask to many questions. Hope to talk to you soon Jason


Yay! Another Clevelander! It's my first day here, and I've already meet two Northeastern Ohioans.


Congratulations on the newest member of your family! I'd love to see a picture some time!


I'm going to TRY to give myself at least another month or two to soak up as much knowledge as possible from this community before I bring one home. I have a feeling it's going to be a long month or two though lol. I can't seem to pull myself away from this forum, and with every thread I read, its making it harder and harder to wait.


But, like I said in an earlier post, I'm not going to rely on the spontaneous part of me to make this decision. I want to be 100% prepared - meaning preparing my home and my mind for such an incredible and unique new member of my family.


If you are a Cleveland sports fan, I'm sure Roxie is going to learn to yell at the television a lot because of the Browns, Cavs, and Indians lol. I think my Grey's first words will probably be something along the lines of "Put some da*n points on the board" or "Well, we lost again" ;)

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How funny about the sports language, we had a little naked rescue Timneh who came to us saying "Ta dah da da dah to dah-Charge!" his name is Gunner some how apropos. In appreciation for your Service time as we all are Welcome a board. I agree with Ana Greys story I think the best relationships occur when the bird gets some choice in selecting us not just us making such a lifetime decision.

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That's the way I got my Grey, I had the choice of 5 and my sweet Ana Grey chose me.


Same with my Birdy. I went to the breeder's home, there four babies available. The other three were more interested in getting back to their cage, Birdy was perfectly happy sitting on me, even came back to me when he was put back in the cage. He chose me, not the other way around. He's been my 'loverboy' ever since. I'm sure once you're ready, the members here will help direct you to a reputable/responsible breeder. Don't rule out re-homing an older baby. Our Jocko came to us 3 months ago, is 14 yrs old and has no chest feathers but she has been a wonderful addition to our family. Good luck on your search!

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Same with my Birdy. I went to the breeder's home, there four babies available. The other three were more interested in getting back to their cage, Birdy was perfectly happy sitting on me, even came back to me when he was put back in the cage. He chose me, not the other way around. He's been my 'loverboy' ever since. I'm sure once you're ready, the members here will help direct you to a reputable/responsible breeder. Don't rule out re-homing an older baby. Our Jocko came to us 3 months ago, is 14 yrs old and has no chest feathers but she has been a wonderful addition to our family. Good luck on your search!


I'm definitely not going to rule out re-homing an older baby. If a Grey finds it's way into my life that needs a new home, I think fate played its role, and it wouldn't be very smart to ignore fate :)

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I'm definitely not going to rule out re-homing an older baby. If a Grey finds it's way into my life that needs a new home, I think fate played its role, and it wouldn't be very smart to ignore fate :)


You seem like a very level headed, intelligent young man - want to meet my daughter? lol, just kidding! But I do hope she finds someone like you. :)

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Here we go Brownies, Here We Go! Hooo Hooo. Go Dawg Pound. My husband is a huge Cleveland Brown fan, looks for Browns backers here in Atlanta and would be so happy to hear you are in Cleveland. I think he only married me because I was born in Ohio. Already you are a parrot person. That you would leave your quaker in capable hands and then put his best interests before your own, plus being a veteran and so level headed to research first and find your grey all in good time, you are already ahead of the curve. Be prepared if you find a baby and keep your impulses in check if you are offered an unweaned baby. It takes a while before they are properly weaned and the waiting process will make even the most patient among us want to push the breeder to take a baby early. A good breeder will make you wait for the baby to wean in its own good time, that is what you want to hear. Well, it isn't at the moment when you have a cage and a plan and the cash paid, but it really is what you want to hear to know you have a good breeder. Good luck with your patience while your grey companion finds you. Thanks for joining us and for the great intro. You are already an asset to the community and our country and now an asset to our forum community. Welcome.

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You seem like a very level headed, intelligent young man - want to meet my daughter? lol, just kidding! But I do hope she finds someone like you. :)


That may be one of the best compliment's I've ever received. Thank you :) <- You really put a smile on my face!


Thank you for your service and welcome to the forum! :) You're in the right place to learn tons and get lots of help and support.


Thank you for the warm welcome and appreciation of my service. It really does seem like I'm in the right place for help and support. Thanks again!



Here we go Brownies, Here We Go! Hooo Hooo. Go Dawg Pound. My husband is a huge Cleveland Brown fan, looks for Browns backers here in Atlanta and would be so happy to hear you are in Cleveland. I think he only married me because I was born in Ohio. Already you are a parrot person. That you would leave your quaker in capable hands and then put his best interests before your own, plus being a veteran and so level headed to research first and find your grey all in good time, you are already ahead of the curve. Be prepared if you find a baby and keep your impulses in check if you are offered an unweaned baby. It takes a while before they are properly weaned and the waiting process will make even the most patient among us want to push the breeder to take a baby early. A good breeder will make you wait for the baby to wean in its own good time, that is what you want to hear. Well, it isn't at the moment when you have a cage and a plan and the cash paid, but it really is what you want to hear to know you have a good breeder. Good luck with your patience while your grey companion finds you. Thanks for joining us and for the great intro. You are already an asset to the community and our country and now an asset to our forum community. Welcome.


I'm a HUGE Browns fan! And, I compliment you and your husband for being a fan too! It's difficult sometimes, but I know all this "pain and suffering" us fans have been going through for so long will pay off when we finally have a winning team.


Thank you very much for the warm welcome! Maybe, we can catch a Browns game one day together. Either here, or in Atlanta. Of course, there's nothing like sitting in the Dawg Pound though!

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Hey Jason :D

Welcome to the greys forum. You are going to learn so much it might make your head spin a bit lol. I have browsed and re-browsed this amazing forum and tried to soak up everything, every bit of knowledge I possibly can before my baby comes home. Ive only been here a month or so, but have really felt very welcomed and enjoyed reading everyones posts. Tons of ideas and suggestions that I have already changed in preparation of my baby coming home soon.

Cant wait to follow your story further and be apart of the process you will be going thru to find your baby! YEAH ... its such an exciting time. I have tons of websites that I have read so much additional information about Greys on, but being a previous bird owner, you probably know alot more then I did. Marco (my baby) will be my first bird so I have really had to do lots of research and Ive enjoyed my time here. The people here just rock with information and taking the time to make sure you are super informed to make the best decisions for you and your new CAG.

Cant wait to read more! :D :D

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Hi InVet! I'm also in Ohio. (Sorry about you being a Browns fan.:P ) Welcome to the greatest grey forum on the net! I've learned a great deal from these great folks. I have just a little experience myself but love to share! I look forward to following along in your adventure.

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