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Do you really love your parrot

Ray P

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1. It`s the weekend and you don`t have to work so you want to sleep in, but your parrot is yelling for you to uncover it.

2. You want to watch your favorit TV program, and your parrot wants to talk.

3. Your parrot just took a chunk out of the woodwork around the window.

4. Your parrot is on your shoulder and it just put a bunch of holes in the shoulder of your new T-shirt.

5. Your parrot just pooped on the kitchen table and you put your hand in it.

6. You are walking across the floor in your stocking feet and you step in parrot poop.

7. It`s morning your parrot is out and you make yourself a slice of toast and you butter it and put it on the table and go back for your coffee and when you come back the toast is on the floor butter side down.

8. You are going to read the paper and you put it down to get your coffee and when you come back the paper is shredded.




1. You uncover your parrot and say good morning baby.

2. You talk to your parrot and try to listen to the TV between words

3. You replace the molding because it`s to bad to fix.

4. Put on another T-shirt.

5. Wipe up poop and wash your hands

6. You change your socks

7. Make a new slice of toast and clean mess later.

8. Go to store and buy new paper.


At the end of the day you cover your parrot go to bed get up the next morning and start all over again.

Edited by Ray P
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Well done Ray. Your timing is impecable. Spot on. Parrot lovers are always coming back for more. I have to say I tolerate more from these parrots than I would have ever dreamed to do for my kids and they remind me of that often. I tell them, "I have evolved", be happy that your future children will be more spoiled than you were. LOL.

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1. You have just finished getting ready to go out and notice the papers under your birds favorite deer mount to perch on are out of place so you bend down to fix them and she promptly lands there and poops on your head.

2. You adopt an old lady parrot from the rescue and she barely tollerates you but loves everyone else in the house.


1. You are thankful that the poop didn't get on the carpet and you go re-wash your hair.

2. You ignore her threats to bite talk sweetly to her and are happy that she loves someone.

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Ray P...LOL! I guess I love my birds. You described a typical weekend. ( weekday for that matter!) I didn't even blink twice.The only thing I would love to change, if I fall asleep on the couch for an hour on a Sunday, I have no problem with her sticking her beak against my right eyelid, and pretend to sleep... its her pretending to snore! Nancy

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Same here I love Louboutin to death i wake up every single day for him no matter what he want he gets it. i know that he loves me as much i love him. i had him for 9 month now he never bit me not even a warning bit. believe me he likes to play all day, that can get me fall behind on my university work but i noticed he likes to be beside me so keep him near me and give him a toy to play with.

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Malikah! It trully stinks when you work so hard to gain your baby's love, and they choose someone else. I can relate, and truly empathize. I can help you. Sophie did the same thing. Loved Ryan best. Now, Sophie loves all of us and goes to all of us, for different reasons. She loves all of us equally, but for different reasons. At the end of the night, I am her " ROM", and she knows I keep her safe. Nancy

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One time, I was sitting with AnnaBella on the couch. I didn't realize she had pooped on the seat of the couch. When I stood up, I put my hand in the poop ...I'm assuming that's what happened because I didn't realize I had poop on my hand until I brushed my hair out of my face and smeared poop all over my forehead. All I could do was laugh...

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  HeatherStrella said:
One time, I was sitting with AnnaBella on the couch. I didn't realize she had pooped on the seat of the couch. When I stood up, I put my hand in the poop ...I'm assuming that's what happened because I didn't realize I had poop on my hand until I brushed my hair out of my face and smeared poop all over my forehead. All I could do was laugh...


One of the bonuses of keeping a Grey is their poop seems not to smell, to me at least!:eek::D


Steve n Misty

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I agree Steve, I would much rather put my hand in bird poop than dog or cat feces any day, it seems to have no odor to it at all. Bird poop doesn't bother me at all, if one of my birds poops on me I just wipe it off but some people freak out over a little poop like how can you walk around with that on your shirt, well it washes out, jeez.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  judygram said:
some people freak out over a little poop , .



First off i will say i cannot believe how much one bird can poop!i go through half a packet of wipes a day and the blankets i use to cover my sofa only lasts a day before i have to wash it,and i have to mop the bird room floor a few times a day,yet i dont mind , it only takes a minute to clean up

But when my parents come round to my house i dare to have missed one bit of poop behind the telly or something thats it i get the full scale lecture...how can you live with that,its disgusting,get rid of the bird , hes ruining your house blah blah blah now that is what makes me angry and gives me the ump!


Why do people feel they can come into your home,which is also all of your anilmals home,and tell you what to do with it and look down their nose in disgust at one tiny bit of poop

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When I took a shower yesterday, I took Ellie with me. (Not shocking anyone with that, obviously...) I left her on the shower curtain rod while I dried off and got dressed. Apparently I didn't notice a little poo that she left behind. My 10 year old son thought it was a worm when he went to take his shower that evening and freaked out.




I do try to check to be sure that I don't have poop on my shirt when I leave the house...

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