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What's Isaac Up To?


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So it has been a while, lots of things coming up for me that keep me from sitting back and getting on the forums to make new posts for a while now. Anyway, my boy has been super funny. I noticed the other day that when ever I open up a cabinet or door....Isaac squeaks for it. It is super funny...cause he is sitting on my shoulder and I hear the squeak come in perfect time with me opening things.


Here is a cool thing I started trying. I placed a bowl, a cup and a fork on the floor. I went back and forth with these items showing Issac each one and saying what they were. Then I was positioning them. So I would take the cup...and put it on its side and say 'the cup is down'. Then i would prop it up and say the 'cup is up'. Repeat a few times. So...I place the cup down and walk away...I look at him and sau, "Okay boy...pick the cup up". He pretty much just stares and hangs on my every word while I speak. I keep saying it. Then I turn away to do something else....the lil bugger picks the cup up and stands it up! Now....he walks around on the floor standing up all the cups he encounters...looking for my approval. I love him to death...what a sweetie.


I am going to have to upload some video. He is on the floor asking me to look at him by saying, "Litah booooyyee....peek a booooo" so I am gonna go love him up. Bye for now.

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Love hearing from you about Issac, he is one smart cookie and a sweetheart, you two have such a special bond and I look forward to hearing updates on what he is doing and learning, now about that video, don't make us wait too long now ya hear!

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I always find myself admiring your Isaac for what a handsome Grey he really is, physically-speaking. But he's so cute too! Loved that Andy Griffith whistle--it'd be nice if Marcus would whistle something I can recognize, too, but no go. :P Anyway, thanks for sharing the post and the vid. Your boy is a smart one and so obliging to you... it's lovely. :)

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MarcusCAG... never despair! Sophie has been working on " take me out to the ballgame", for years! It is alot of work on her part. She screws up all the time. She'll start over and over, until she likes it. If she likes how she did... she adds " play ball!" LOL! One of her favorite games, is to start a whistle. I'll be in the kitchen and repeat. then she makes it a little more complicated that I have to repeat. We go back and forth without actually seeing each other.It ends the same all the time. She breaks out into rap ( thanks Ryan), I can't compete. She wins! Of course I go pick her up, laughing! She knows she has won. ( she can walk out into the kitchen anytime, so I know this is a game for her.) Now she wants to learn the song from the Sound of Music " doe a deer", whatever it is called. I had everyone at work singing it, until I had it right.

My son is rebuilding my piano. All taken apart. I keep encouraging him to finish it. I can play all the songs from the " Sound of Music". Sophie will be thrilled! Nancy

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  chezron said:
He did it! Yeah Isaac. BTW, who's Pedro?


Pedro is my Green Cheek Conure...my original lil buddy. He is super sweet and my daughter's favorite bird.


  kins2321@yahoo.com said:
MarcusCAG... never despair! Sophie has been working on " take me out to the ballgame", for years! It is alot of work on her part. She screws up all the time. She'll start over and over, until she likes it. If she likes how she did... she adds " play ball!" LOL! One of her favorite games, is to start a whistle. I'll be in the kitchen and repeat. then she makes it a little more complicated that I have to repeat. We go back and forth without actually seeing each other.It ends the same all the time. She breaks out into rap ( thanks Ryan), I can't compete. She wins! Of course I go pick her up, laughing! She knows she has won. ( she can walk out into the kitchen anytime, so I know this is a game for her.) Now she wants to learn the song from the Sound of Music " doe a deer", whatever it is called. I had everyone at work singing it, until I had it right.

My son is rebuilding my piano. All taken apart. I keep encouraging him to finish it. I can play all the songs from the " Sound of Music". Sophie will be thrilled! Nancy


It is so funny you bring this up regarding whistling. Isaac loves to start it and look to me to finish. Even a simple wolf whistle...he will do the first part...and wait for me to do the next. I have not encouraged it in any way...I try to get him to do them all on his own...but he constantly does the first part and want me to help finish. Then he likes to sit in the reverb-heavy bathroom and go through all the sounds. He will whistle about 60% of the Andy Griffith song...he has problems with the inconsistant transistions between the repetative parts. It's cute....but he blows me away with his timing and accuracy with the parts he does know. I try to encourage whatever he seems to like. I love him.

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Its amazing when they focus on music. Sophie LOVES music and dancing, more than I thought. While my youngest son, is interested in redoing our piano, from an engineering perspective,I realize I want the piano refinished, because I haven't played in twenty years, and can make her happy! I felt bad, that I haven't played in twenty years. Kids were surprised! Sean was excited! We will see how it works out Nancy

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  birdhouse said:
More proof that Isaac is a very special boy... My guys delight in knocking cups over whenever they get the chance. Noise is good! Splash EveryWhere is better!! lol


Oh trust me...what you say is the norm. I just went out today and replaced another set of drink glasses. He broke every last one of my beer glasses too. That is kind of what makes it that much more amazing.

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  Elvenking said:
Here is a cool thing I started trying. I placed a bowl, a cup and a fork on the floor. I went back and forth with these items showing Issac each one and saying what they were. Then I was positioning them. So I would take the cup...and put it on its side and say 'the cup is down'. Then i would prop it up and say the 'cup is up'. Repeat a few times. So...I place the cup down and walk away...I look at him and sau, "Okay boy...pick the cup up". He pretty much just stares and hangs on my every word while I speak. I keep saying it. Then I turn away to do something else....the lil bugger picks the cup up and stands it up! Now....he walks around on the floor standing up all the cups he encounters...looking for my approval. I love him to death...what a sweetie.I am going to have to upload some video. He is on the floor asking me to look at him by saying, "Litah booooyyee....peek a booooo" so I am gonna go love him up. Bye for now.


Thanks for the update on Isaac, I always look forward to them and enjoy reading about the latest news.


I can guarantee you that Isaac's wheels are spinning and processing everything you are doing and saying. Just keep up the GreYt example of how to teach him what things are. It will pay off greatly in the long run. :)

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