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My Daughter disappointed with Twix


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My 3 year old Tia was trying to play with Twix today and offering him some small plastic toys that belongs to her. Twix immediately tried to bite Tia !!! Tia asked me: Dad, why is he trying to bite me?

I told her he is not, he is little upset and will play with you later :rolleyes:


Is it true that Greys don't like children? My other parrot (Susu) is fine with her and he does play with her a lot. Tia is nice with both of them, but she is a bit noisy sometimes. Is this why Twix is trying to bite her? Is he scared of her? Will he ever like her at all one day?


Thanks everyone



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Noodle gets overwhelmed by higher-pitched voices and sounds very easily, such as women (even me), kids, dogs, etc. We have a friend Peter and Noodle doesn't even like him, just because his voice has a higher pitch. I've heard that grey's aren't too fond of kids, mostly because they create a higher-stress environment. However, Twix also might have just not been in a playing or patient mood, which happens all the time too. I would suggest having your daughter play with Twix while you are around too, so he feels a little more comfortable. That way you can hlep moderate the situation, too, so things stay calm and safe :)

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Greys are not usually fond of small children for they are too noisy and boisterous for them to feel comfortable around and their way of saying I do not like it is to bite so it is best you keep a distance between your daughter and Twix until she gets older and can understand grey behavior better, young fingers could be seriously damaged by a bite from a grey's beak.

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As judygram said, Greys are not considered compatible with small children. Having said that, my grey also gets nippy when I hand her a toy. She is sweet otherwise, but will sometimes go for my fingers instead of the toy. I don't hand her toys directly anymore. Will TWIX take a treat from your little girl? I would just be sure to supervise any and all interactions.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I agree with everybody. Kids are high-stress-and-noise-makers. So it's perfectly logical that the greys can not relax around them. I have a 3-years-old boy. He can give to Sylia some treats or toy, but that's all. I never allow him to pet Sylia because they both are too impatient. I can tell that Sylia can't fully relax when I play with her and my son is somewhere near us. Maybe it is because of red McQeens my son always carries with him, and Sylia doesn't like red things at all. But few days ago I saw Sylia sitting on the floor and Alex (my son) running from room to room. And she did not look scared only on guard. Maybe they will someday play together, when Alex is older and have more calm behavior. :)

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Yes, kids are serious stressors! It doesn't mean that greys don't like kids, but kids don't understand the boundaries! As kids mature, birds will learn to trust them. Ryan was nine, when Sophie was adopted. He is her best friend. His flight came in at 12pm last nite. When he walked in the door, she was up. Walked into kitchen. " Ryan.... where have you been!" Lots of kissing and hugging! Of course, she was first in line. LOTS of kissing and hugging. Six months, had no meaning for her. He is home Nancy

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I have children ranging from 4-15 My grey Rita is 2 years old. My kids don't interact with her a lot. She doesn't mind them being around and doesn't seem stressed out by their presence but she doesn't seek out interaction from them either. My 6 year old and 8 year old are scared of her because she has a big beak, my 6 year old will stand by the cage and talk to her and has fed her carrots before. she won't step up for them from the cage, but will step up onto their arms if she is on the floor. She really likes my 15 year old son he feeds her cereal ;) and lets her come up into his room. Sometimes she will lunge at him I think as a warning that she isn't interested in interacting . she never has lunged at my husband or I. I don't think she doesn't like my kids, I think she's indifferent. She will fly down to the floor then walk into my computer room walking right past them if they are sitting on the floor or standing beside me. THis leads me to believe she isn't scared of them or interested in them at all. They are old enough not to do silly things like stick their fingers in the cage, your birds relationship with your child will develop as they both get older, as long as your child takes care to not "harass" the bird (which i'm sure she doesn't) they will both get to a point where they are used to each other and have their own relationship

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