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he's gone CRAZY


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I don't know what he's been eating but he's gone NUTS I tell ya! For the past 2 days Archimedes has been off the walls... He'll be hanging out doing nothing then he'll just run around like a psycho, start throwing stuff left and right grunting and growling and then he'll STOP and just asks to be pet, and purrs... it's really odd... oh yea, and he clucks too... like a chicken.....

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Sounds fun, and a little like Spring Hormones to me.... my boys always act "unique" this time of year. Especially here in Seattle, because it can be overcast for a few days in a row, then the sun comes out for three, and gets them confused that spring has sprung. Thankfully we have UV lighting to keep some sense of normalcy in their day. :-)

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Judy, you're right! I do love it! except when he goes after the keyboard... but even that is cute, he'll try to attack the keyboard a couple times, then just gives up, wants to be pet for a millisecond and then goes back to trying to attack the keyboard... over and over... and then he'll give up and go for the picture frames, then back to the keyboard, then the desk, the picture frame, keyboard... over and over..... it's a good thing he's cute!

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