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Hello from Louisiana!

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Hi, My name is Sean, I live in south west Louisiana...We've been waiting for our baby for what seems like forever! His hatch date was Jan 12, So a little over 7 weeks old now! We are so excited and can't wait to be able to bring him home! We got to see him for the first time Tues! He is such a cute little squawker! We also have 2 lil girls at home 5 and 10 and 3 puppies, 2 bassets Cecil and Molly and a lil shitzu/poodle mix named Monty! We are extremely excited to be adding to our family! I'm a little nervous since neither one of us has much experience with bigger birds, but I have been reading everything I can, and Im hoping by the time Diablo comes home we will be ready for him! Its almost like having a baby for the first time! Here's a few pictures of Diablo!




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Hello Sean and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you and Diablo.

Be sure to read as many of the threads here as you can for it will give you much insight into the life of a grey, feeding, playing and all aspects of living with a wild animal. You will learn lots from like members with firsthand knowledge that speaks from our experience with sharing our lives with these amazing creatures.

Its only natural to be a little nervous but doing thorough research before bringing your baby home will help insure that relationship gets off to a great start and if you have questions just ask and we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.

Thanks for sharing some pictures of Diablo with us, he is adorable.

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Hi, My name is Sean, I live in south west Louisiana...We've been waiting for our baby for what seems like forever! His hatch date was Jan 12, So a little over 7 weeks old now! We are so excited and can't wait to be able to bring him home! We got to see him for the first time Tues! He is such a cute little squawker! We also have 2 lil girls at home 5 and 10 and 3 puppies, 2 bassets Cecil and Molly and a lil shitzu/poodle mix named Monty! We are extremely excited to be adding to our family! I'm a little nervous since neither one of us has much experience with bigger birds, but I have been reading everything I can, and Im hoping by the time Diablo comes home we will be ready for him! Its almost like having a baby for the first time! Here's a few pictures of Diablo!

Hey Sean :D welcome to the Grey Forums this place is amazing as well as all the helpful peoples. Your baby is just 1 week younger then mine. Marco (my baby) was hatched Jan. 6th :D I go in now every weekend and do exactly what you are doing, visit and play with him, hold him and hopefully bond a bit with him before he comes home. They say atleast 6 more weeks which FEELS like forever, but I dont want to rush the process of weening him and making sure he is perfectly healthy before taking him home. I am so happy with the petstore ladies that work with him they are just wonderful people. It helps calm me knowing hes getting lots of lovings there! Nice to have someone to wait with. Diablo is a cutie :D I have pics of Marco on my profile page in his albulm and I even have a website Ive created just about him lol .. hes famous !!!!!!!!!! Ha! I update it weekly after each visit lol :cool: http://sites.google.com/site/marcosperch/

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