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Winter Treats!


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Recently I bought a bunch of fruit to cube up and freeze for smoothies, but Noodle loved the frozen fruit better than the regular! He's also started fishing ice cubes out of drinks and chewing on them, drinking the melted parts. Does anybody else love frozen treats? We've started introducing frozen veggies such as peas as well as grapes, which are his two current favorites besides plain ice. And, as always, a little bite of stolen ice cream ;)

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My grey Corky loves ice cubes and we always put 2 or 3 in her fresh water dish to play with. She also loves ice cubes in her bath water.

She will not take a bath in warm water, It has to be cold. I think it`s a grey thing.

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We had frozen mangoes for breakfast :) Noodle also LOVES milk! We started letting him have some when we were looking for ways to help him put on a little weight and he just can't seem to get enough, haha! He's so funny when he gets his cold treats; he shakes it in his beak like crazy before he eats it. Such a silly little boy!

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