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What Would You Do?????


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I really don't know if this is my Louie. But I did purchase Louie (he had this name but it could have been spelled Lui) from a woman and her children, who I can no longer contact. So what would you do, would you e-mail this person to see if perhaps my Louie is his former friend or not?



I love Louie to bits so would not want to give him up but I do "feel" for this person who "just" wants to know if his Lui is fine. Your thoughts please. thanks.

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Hi Janet:

I read your post about this blue front this lady is looking for and the one thing that she said is that she did not know the age of the bird.

I read all your post and you have said Louie is a young amazon.

The lady did not say how long she had her zon and did not give much imfo. on the bird other than she taught some tricks to the bird.

I know you have a big heart and would like to put her at ease about her zon.

To me your Louie does not sound like her zon because there is to much imformation missing.

If you really need to know to put your mind at ease you will need more facts and the only way to know would be to contact her, but you don`t want to get her hopes up eather if Louie is not the same zon.

To me it does not sound like the same amazon. That is just IMO.


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You must have some kind of gut feeling about this Janet and that will be your answer but if you do contact this woman do not reveal any details but grill her on when, where and everything that you could possibly think of to find the clue that Louie is not her bird besides hasn't it been well over a year or more since you got him, where has she been since then, sounds like things do not add up that Louie is this womans but do what your heart tells you to.

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I agree with Judy, as tempting as this is, and I know it is pulling at your heart strings, I would let it go. There is only heart ache for you and this other person if Louie is her previous birds, or not. Louie has the best possible home he could have, don't disrupt it....:)

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If this person could possibly be my Louie's old parront, I would love to learn more about him. If I do contact this person, I would ask for specific information about Louie's looks, speaking abilities and other things that only a former owner would know. And the age I was told he is, which state I purchased him in, etc. I only want to let a possible former owner know he is loved, happy and in his forever home. If the person looking for their zon will not answer my questions, then my conscience will be free and contact over. I am not using my "real" e-mail but a temporary one, as my daughter suggested.

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Well, I did contact the craig list person and I am positive that my Louie is not her Lui. She did not know very basic tell-tell things about Louie that any prior owner would have known. Things like whether or not he was banded or not, languages he spoke, words he knew, flighted or unflighted. Her Lui only said Hello and knew only his name, Lui. Now I can feel good about trying to do a good deed. Thanks for your help and advice everyone. I feel good. (big smile)

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I don't know if this helps but when I was given Tee ( TAG, extremely aggressive--8 yrs old at the time) the previous owners Emailed me from time to time to find out about him. I constantly Emailed them back and made sure that I included different photos all the time to show how friendly and loving he was becoming. This went on for about 1 1/2 yrs. They were very happy about that. When they gave me the bird, they had just about given up on ever having a parrot again but after seeing that a parrot could actually be nice, they wound up getting a baby TAG from a friend of mine in NY and they never had any problems again.

Edited by Dave007
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I really don't know if this is my Louie. But I did purchase Louie (he had this name but it could have been spelled Lui) from a woman and her children, who I can no longer contact. So what would you do, would you e-mail this person to see if perhaps my Louie is his former friend or not?



I love Louie to bits so would not want to give him up but I do "feel" for this person who "just" wants to know if his Lui is fine. Your thoughts please. thanks.


I think you would be crazy to give him up. It would only confuse him and his personality would change. A deal is a deal. You took him, gave him everything, made him happy. He's your bird and that's the way it should be. If you wanna email her and explain how nice things are then do it. But remember, he's now your bird.


All of this is if she's the same person that owned him in the first place that you're thinking of.

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Dave, I would never give my Louie up, I only wanted to ease a former owner's mind about their prior pet. As it turned out, this woman couldn't even remember if her Lui was banded or not and he only spoke English. I only wanted to find out more about my Louie if he had been this person's parrot, because Louie wants to love but is really afraid and I wanted to know why so it would maybe help me with my friend. I love the story about your TAG, priceless. Thanks for sharing it.

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Dave, I would never give my Louie up, I only wanted to ease a former owner's mind about their prior pet. As it turned out, this woman couldn't even remember if her Lui was banded or not and he only spoke English. I only wanted to find out more about my Louie if he had been this person's parrot, because Louie wants to love but is really afraid and I wanted to know why so it would maybe help me with my friend. I love the story about your TAG, priceless. Thanks for sharing it.


Well, sorry. I guess I read your post in the wrong way.

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