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Hi, my Grey has creaming problem. She learns that from my conure. Now, she screams when I walked out of the room or house. She screams for attention, getting out, this and that, almost everything. I'd like to know if I should ignore her screaming, just do all the things that usually do, or I only walk in when she stop screaming and walk out if she sreams?


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Reward the good and ignore the bad. This is what works best when you deal with your fids.

When you react to their screaming and come back to them you just gave them a reward they got what they wanted. They wanted your attention, they screamed, you came back, they got what they wanted.

Remember they are very smart and they will play you so it`s who will out smart the other. Does that remind you of your kids.

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Reward the good and ignore the bad. This is what works best when you deal with your fids.

When you react to their screaming and come back to them you just gave them a reward they got what they wanted. They wanted your attention, they screamed, you came back, they got what they wanted.

Remember they are very smart and they will play you so it`s who will out smart the other. Does that remind you of your kids.

Yes, it does lol thank you Ray, I'll keep those in mind

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When my parrots scream they usually just want to know where I am. I answer them with a "come here". They either come or are quiet because they know all is well.

Wow, your parrots are so great. My Grey screams for everything

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