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Hi everyone :)


Good morning and thanks for this wonderful site. Im new here and a new grey owner.


I was just wanting some general advice about helping my girl settle in her new home, she is 4 years old and lived with her previous owners for that entire time. She has been with us for 2 weeks now and I have noticed she may be chewing her feathers and damaging them. Im hoping this is just a temporary thing with the stresses of leaving her family and will pass in time as she settles in.


Any help or advice would be greatly apprecised, I dont want to dwell on it as I believe that only makes matters worse but if possible I wanted to nip this in the bud before it gets any worse.


She is out of her cage when we are at home, only going in there when we are out or for bedtime. She is taking food from my hand happily enough but will not yet come to me or step up.


I dont think she had a particulaily good diet at her previous home and Im trying to introduce veggies and fruits into her diet which she is accepting slowly. She talks and whistles happily.


Her previous home was with an older couple and she has come to our house with 2 children and I am wondering if the noise etc of a busier house is bothering her.


Thanks in anticipation for any help and advice.



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Good morning Sophie and welcome to the forum! :) There are many people here that have rehomed birds, so I know you're in the right place to get lots of help. I think you're doing the right thing by not reacting to her plucking since you don't want to reinforce the habit with any attention at all. She's probably just a little stressed from the changes in her life, but a visit to the vet to rule out any physiological causes might be a good idea. We're glad you joined!! :)

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Good morning Sophie,

So glad to have a new member here everyone here has excellent advice to give. I have a 5 month old rehome i have had her about 3 weeks now. It took her some time to settle in but she is adjusting fine. She too was on a bad diet she is slowly accpting all kinds of veggies and a few fruits. What is the name of your fid? If you have time we would love to see some pictures of your new family member. Hope to talk to you soon and Welcome!

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I will definately agree with what you have heard so far. My baby isnt home YET ... but I would definately say the stress of being rehomed and the new noises are probably what your bird is reacting to. I have heard the word PATIENCE alot on these boards. Give the bird some time to adjust, and as always if the behaviour doesnt stop they always suggest a wellness vet visit :D

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Hi Sophia welcome to the Grey family! Kudos to you for giving a re-homed grey a forever home. Hopefully your grey is just a little nervous with being in a new home and the changes in her life. Also, sometimes greys get a little dry skinned and so you will need to mist your grey with Aloe Vera juice to help keep her skin from drying out. Lots of info in the Health Room about aloe vera and bathing your grey. You are right about your new grey perhaps being nervous around your children. Kids are very active and some greys are nervous around them and need time to get use to having kids around.

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Welcome Sophie, this is a great forum. It took our Echoe a few months to completely adjust when we got her home, and still she acts as if at any moment somethings gonna jump from the woodwork and rip her to pieces. I have learned and been shown that the best thing to do is to let her tell you when and what she wants. I totally think that the minute I changed my attitude from "doing whats best for Echoe" and listening to "what's best for Echoe" she completly picked up on that. today my girl is the happiest and most relaxed ive seen her. she was totally picking up on my stress about her well being and then getting stressed. they are such perceptiive intellegent birds.....

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Thanks for such a warm welcome and all the advice and support above. Ive misted her today and ordered a humidifier that should arrive tommorow so I hoping with that and some time she will stop. My girls name is Billy :) She is so lovely and never fails to make us smile and laugh each day. I guess Ive just got to work on gaining her trust and I will read through the forums and all the advice on here to tr and achieve that. Thanks again everyone for being so helpful! Sophie

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Hello Sophie and welcome to our family, so glad you gave Billy a new forever home.

It takes time to build a relationship with an adult grey so just be patient with her and give her plenty of time to settle into her new home and become familiar with her surroundings, she will let you know when she is ready for more interaction so don't push her to give more than she is willing for a grey's trust has to be earned.

It could be that the change in homes has caused her to start plucking but be sure to keep her busy with lots of toys especially foraging toys when she is in her cage so keep her busy and occupied, she will be less likely to pluck from boredom but maybe as she settles in it will happen less and less. A vet visit may be in order if it has been more than a year since she has been seen if ever to rule out anything physical as a reason for the plucking.

We would love to see some pictures of Billy if you have some you would share with us.

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Hi everyone,


Just a quick update, Billy is still chewing her feathers :( I have bought a humidifier, mist her and she only ever goes in her cage to sleep or when we are out (which isnt very much). I think I must book us in at the vets for her to be checked over. Im hoping this isnt going to get her even more stressed than she already is!


On a postive note Im really enjoying working on our bond and have taken on what everyone has said about not pushing her and letting her come to me when she wants to. I just hope we can overcome the chewing issues.


Thanks again for all the help



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I adopted a 9 year old last month. He hasn't plucked or chewed his feathers but... When he starts to act nervous or aggravated we give him a new toy, which for our grey is anything he can destroy including paper and tongue depressors. Remember when you was a kid and you made the snowflakes by folding a piece of paper in half twice and then cut the edges? Our grey loves it. We hold it for him and turn it as he bites chunks off, when he's torn up the edges we unfold it and show it to him, he almost looks amazed by what he's created, then he wants it back to finish the job.

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Thats a great idea, she does love to rip things up! Ive been trying to ignore her doing it but I'll give this a try. Ive tried giving her new toys but she is scared of everything so this might be the answer.

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