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Amazing ability


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As posted earlier, I have had various parrots for over 33 years. It still amazes me at their ability to do many things to please their owner. It doesn't happen overnight, but they certainly do not lack for trying. My newest( 1 month ago) female CAG) is what I would consider not neglected but ignored. Both husband and wife worked long hours with the bird being upstairs in a spare bedroom. If they had enough time at night, the bird(Ruby) would be allowed to the living room to watch TV as the couple relaxed. My point on this is, if you are not committed enough for proper care, rehome the bird. Although it doesn't make too much difference to me, my Ruby was bonded to the wife although I was told different. She is proving that she appreciates everyone and will step-up to anyone. She prefers to be head-scratched by a female, but she constantly tries to please. If I didn't mention on an earlier post, she is 12 years old and was rehomed a month ago. I hope this is not too boring of a statement. All of everyones post are helpful, enjoyable and meaningful. Ken

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Well thanks Ken and you are not boring, what you say speaks the truth, they do want to please us just as we want the same from them. Ruby is doing well for being in your home for only one month but there will be bumps along the way but you are certainly off to a greyt start.

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Thanks for posting Ken. I love to read about re-homed older birds. It is so sad that some poor parrots end up neglected because they cannot fit in to their keepers lives. Thanks for taking Ruby in. It is good that her previous humans had the kindness to find a new home for her.



Steve n Misty

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