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Regurgitating or being Sick?


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Hi all, my father and I bought a baby Congo Grey in August 2011, she was just over 12 weeks old when we got her from a very good and experienced breeder. Over the past couple of days, every time I put my hand in the cage Tess has been holding on to 2 of my fingers with one claw and then bobbing her head up and down so she brings food up, she doesn't spit the food out though. She isn't acting distressed or showing any signs of illness, she still runs around her cage, flies about and is always whistling and making whatever noise she can so I'm quite confused, is she just regurgitating as a sign of affection or is she being sick?


Many thanks,


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Hi and welcome! You should tell us a bit more and maybe share some pics in our Welcome Room if you could. Sounds like she is just regurgitating for you. As long as she is eating and drinking or normally , and behaving as usual, that's probably what it is. Just keep an eye on her to see if it's something she does more often, if she does, I would have her checked by an avian vet.

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It sounds like she is regurtitating for you, why not allow her to come out of the cage on her own and then asking her to step up keeping your fingers away from her beak, its always a good idea to have your bird step up from outside the cage as some can come to view their cage as their safety zone and become territorial about it.

Now why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us more about yourself and Tess and pictures of course are always welcomed.

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BeaRose... amazing that Tess is willing to bond in her cage. Most birds are a little more posessive! Kudos! Sophie still regurgs a decade later. Sunday is our day! She is with me from sunup to sunset. Granted, we spend several hours together every day, but Sunday, is all about Sophie. She will regurg a few times a week, but on Sunday.... boy does she have a gift for me! HUGE regurg! Of course I thank her! I know it sounds gross... but I thank her, and pretend to eat it. She is pleased. Nancy

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Your description sounds like regurgitating. When we were new at this, our vet explained that the up and down pumping motions like when they are formula feeding is commonly associated with regurgitation while a side to side, head swinging motion is associated with vomiting.

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