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Play stands, which one?


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I know many people have those types of playstands, the manzanita I mean and we have others too, I have one made of myrtle branches, I have a metal one and a hard plastic one, there are many different kinds on the market so just decide how much money you want to spend and what appeals to you for your bird will probably love it.

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when we rehomed kallie (including her huge cage), we were also given her "baby" cage. we propped open all the doors, reinstalled the playtop and hung lots of toys inside and on top of this to make a play stand for our girls. we didn't have the money to buy any kind of play stand, so used the toys we already had to create it. athena has a great time on it, but kallie rarely gets on it. i don't know if it's because she remembers it or just doesn't want to check it out yet! i'm sure one of these days, she'll have to see what all the fun is about though.

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thenabrd don't worry so much if she doesn't play with her old gym. She may have never played with it in the past. Sophie is NOT a huge player of toys. She LOVES her gym. Came with her 12 years ago. It is made of metal, and she REFUSES to update it. We fix it over and over. She LOVES to slide down the sides.... seriously, 90 miles an hour.Thats why she loves it. She doesn't care anything about the new toys.Maybe a pinata, destroying popsicle sticks. She LOVES to be read to.... anything that ryhmes, playing board games( she is seriously competitive), learning new songs, and tag! She loves her checkbook, regurgitating, and bossing our animal world around. What is most important to her, is being a part of our family. The moment I walk in the door, she comes out. Walks in... Hi! Gives me a big fat kiss! While I cook... I lay several spoons on windowsill for her to throw into sink. She LOVES it! Loves the clang! Nancy

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I have a metal one, and a table top one, and 2 tree stands. I bought one off of eBay 4 years ago, still in perfect condition, the other from a bird store that had it as a demo and it was on sale. It takes time before I could afford any, but I have 3 parrots. Keep looking on eBay, something you can afford will come along, and you will find it will

Robe ly end up being the favorite! !

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Thank you I will keep looking. I didnt want to admitt that I really can't afford the expensive trees but I do want her to have a nice place out of the cage. I did buy the largest cage I could afford which is 40x30x73(60" inside height). Does it matter what kind of toys for a 4 to 4.5 month old. Sales lady said not to get much it may overwhelm the new baby?

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