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My NEW B&G Macaw!


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I went to a bird fair last weekend with every intention of ONLY buying a wood perch for Ajax my CAG...but when visiting with some birds I met a very unique B&G. He was not handled a lot the last year and he was very nippy. However, within 3-5min he was stepping up to me, giving me kisses and talking to me. In the 45min span I spent at the bird fair he wouldn't even stepup to anyone else...so it's safe to say he CHOSE me! Not to mention his price was right, since he is a 2year old owner surrender back to the breeder they were selling him for $675. When I said "I can afford the bird but not his cage!" the breeder said he had a macaw sized cage that was dirty and had a rust spot(but didn't affect the cross bar and is still safe and sound) and he'd let me have it for $100...SOLD! My father can weld and my uncle does powder coating for his business!


I picked my B&G up today. He needs some work with clicker training as he doesn't want to step up all the time and only on HIS/HER terms...so we gotta work on that. Likewise he/she is screamer, whereas my Ajax is a very quiet bird. So we DEFINITLY have to make him realize he doesn't need to scream to get attention! He is a talker at 2years old already. He says "hello", "step up" "come on" "hahahaha", "Wooo" ...He especially says that last one when he sees a toy or food he wants! lol He is a chronic head bobber as well and will mimic me swaying back and forth. SO FUNNY!


So far Ajax is not liking the new flock member. He is terrified of him and will try to fly away if the macaw gets to close! I'm keeping them seperate and making sure to pay good attention to my Ajax as well. I predict in a few weeks he will get used to him and be more comfortable *crosses fingers*


Having a macaw is MUCH different than having my CAG. Maybe since I had my CAG since he was 4months old I trained him how I wanted him to act, whereas this Macaw has some other good and bad behaviors taught to him already. First thing we are going to work on is that ear piercing screaming...


He does NOT have a name yet although I'm thinking Rio...via my 4year old niece's suggestion.


Isn't he a looker?


A video of him/her after being home a few hours on his new perch!

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Yes very handsome and they do have a very different approach to life than our Greys. Do keep in mind that those big open Macaw nostrils do suck in the dusty Grey powder and it can cause helth issues down the road so I suggest either differnt rooms for them each or a good non ionizing air purifier like an Austin Air.

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Oh he's beautiful! You are as much a sucker for a needy bird as I am! He truly picked you, you were meant to be there and it was meant to happen. I am so happy for you and I am are sure things will settle down in time. It's a big adjustment, but one that easily managed.

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Congrats! He/she is beautiful! They are cards for sure and you two will enjoy each other alot! The dust from the grey is a big deal for the macaw, my vet said just yesterday that daily mists and good soaking a few times a week will help him keep moist clear nostrals. (If you find anything for the screams, please share, my hearing will thank you!)

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