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Hi there from Lincoln NE !!!


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Just thought that I would introduce myself to the Forum!

My name is Cindy and I am from Lincoln NE.

I am VERY PROUD to say that I have been owned by an African Grey for over 5 yrs now. His name is Riley Jo, but he has several nicknames. My favorites that I call him are "Pickles" and Goober Do". He has an amazing vocabulary of countless words and phrases.

I can not imagine my life with out my little grey buddy. I fall in love with him over and over again.

Thank you for letting me join this Forum.


Cindy and Riley


DSC00003.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: cinlnk, at: 2007/09/19 17:07


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Thank you for the nice welcome!!!!!


I see that you are a Marine. My son is currently stationed at Camp Pendleton, and is awaiting deployment to Iraq Oct 15th. I am VERY PROUD of him and all Marines hold a SPECIAL PLACE in my heart.


Cindy VPMM (very proud marine mama)

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Hello and welcome to the family, Cindy, glad you could join us, we look forward to hearing stories about Riley.


If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask, we will do our best to get you an answer. We love to help each other here in any way we can.


You said you have owned Riley for over 5 years, did you get him as a baby? He looks adorable from your photo, of course I am prejudiced as I think they are all so cute and loveable.


Yes I too am proud of all the armed services and those men and women are doing a fine job and I hope your son comes back home safe and sound from his deployment. We will keep him in our hearts and prayers.

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Welcome Cindy!!


Five years is quite a bit of experience with a CAG to share knowledge and just fun facts like you have regarding Riley, his Nicknames and big Vocabulary.


Looking forward to hearing more from you, as I see you have already posted a photo of you Play-stand in the African Grey Room. :-)

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Thank you all for the Nice Welcome.....I know Riley and I are going to enjoy it here.


we are almost neighbors. I got Riley from a small petstore here in town. He was a rescued parrot. The couple that had him before me just didnt have the time for him. He was not mistreated, just didnt get the attention he deserves. Well, as of the moment, Riley has me wrapped around his little claw. I even hate to leave to go to work, cause I just love him so much.

When I head out the door, he will say " Mommy's gotta work, she be right back" .... and of course I just melt.

He is one smart little grey chicken. So smart, that at times he scares me!!!! LOL

I cant wait to get to know all of you....



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