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Roxie ame to me


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:confused:About an hour ago she flew and landed on the floor on her feet the dog was near so i allowed her to ome to me by offering my finger she stepped up i said its ok and she walked up to my shoulder. she pecked right under my eye and when I tried to put my finger for her to step so Ic ould put her on her stand she bite me so hard she drew blood. I didnt force her she came to me she crawled up to my shoulder. I didnt want the dog to scare her. I was protecting her.:(:(

Edited by Thebirdistheword
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They can be tough like that. Roxie needed to get out of harm's way. So she took your offer of help. She may have thought your shoulder was the safest high point available. But she wasn't ready to come face to face w/you or be that close. So she panicked, then got really defensive when you tried to remove her from your shoulder. Greys are complicated, especially when they're scared.


Be sure to move as slowly as possible next time you need to bail her out. Also, probably better you don't let her on your shoulder until you've got some more trust in each other. But especially whenever she's scared.


Sorry Roxie bit you. She didn't really mean it. :(

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Sounds to me like she was biting you to protect you from in her mind, that dangerous creature on the floor wich she managed to get away from.......they bite the one they love when they sense what they feel is danger to get YOU to get away from it. Just my take on it.

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They are both right, she could have been scared by the dog and took it out on you and also she may have been warning you that danger was near, it is hard to decipher what exactly is going thru a grey's head at any given time but it is advisable to not allow her on your shoulder until you know you can trust her there, some greys should never be shoulder birds.

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I never wanted her to be a shoulder bird until she earned the priviledge but the previous owner taught her that we are working with her to change that. I have been thinking about what you all have said and I agree she was probably scared. Tomorrow is a new day! thanks so much for the advice


Previous baggage they bring from a former home is always a time consuming task to learn and then deal with. At least now you know to keep her away from your face etc. until the biting diminishes and more trust is built. This is gong to take much time and patience. Just hang in there. :)

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When my cag 2 1/2 years old came to me, She had been allowed to be a top of the head bird when she felt like it....NOT ALLOWED EVER by my birds.....I would flip out and go nuts yelling NO at her...so much so, that she only tried it a few times. NEVER again has she attempted with anyone.

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Thankyou everyone I have given Roxie some space she is eating like no tomorrow omg! What a little piggy! The only fruit I found that she likes are banana chips and apples. Things are cool now she was trying to take a shower in her water bowl so I gave her a nice warm shower which she enjoyed. She stepped up nicely for me and let me scratch her head every time I asked her if she wanted a scratch. Now its after her bedtime and she doesnt want to go to sleep. This is new she never yells when I put her to bed. Maybe that power nap is to blame lol Thanks again

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I am sorry you were going in all concerned for her safety and feelings and she put a chomp to you, especially on your face. But coming from the bruise of my finger and the new vocabulary Gilbert learned, my first quick thought was "did you teach her a new word?" The little shhh shhhh ah... snot. I am delighted that she is allowing you into her zone and you are making progress with her. I discovered progress stings a little at first too. I am with you on the shower, I don't want anything tender and vulnerable near Gilbert right about now... maybe ever. Maybe not even the toughest part of me, come to think about it, if I could wear armor, that might be indicated for the short term. Hope you continue to see her accept and love you, just not quite so painful.

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The birdistheword You are doing a GREAT job, and have the patience of a saint! Part of being a parent, is teaching a bird, NOT, to bite. Whether it be a firm, gentle shake of the beak, saying "NO BITE", returning them to their cage, ignoring them for five minutes, try it again.( of course, forget the bite, act like nothing happened.) Try again! Don't ignore the behavior. We all want them to love us, but " bad behavior", is not acceptable. They need to learn " good" behavior. If no boundaries are set... they won't stop!

Ryan, Sophies soulmate is coming home this week.She's in for a pleasant surprise! I can't wait to see her face when he walks in the door! Of course...she will blow me off. I'm okay with that, as I know she will be sooo happy! Nancy

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I think never allowing your bird on you head OR your shoulder is a good policy. It is just too easy for something bad to happen. Not that it will necessarily, but you never know. Who knows what made Roxie bite, but she was in a position to cause damage and she did. I am sorry you were bitten.

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