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Stop it! All of you!


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Stop it right now! I didn't want a parrot to begin with, but Java was alone at Christmas, with no toys, no food, no water and her wings brutally cut to her little bones. Okay, she wasn't so bad. But gee, parrots are really smart, and entertaining, and good company. So, I always thought an African grey was in the cards. No, one bird is enough, I don't want to be the crazy ole bird lady. Okay, so I gave in and have had my ups and downs with the grey sagas. Gilbert is a handful most days. He needs a lot of attention. Java is okay with him, but NO MORE PARROTS. This is a lifetime commitment. For ever. Til the end of my days. Why oh why then, do I keep coming into this Amazon room and reading and reading and laughing with you as you tell of the antics of your beautiful companions? Why am I googling parrot rescues in my area? Stop it right now. Don't give me any encouragement. Two huge cages in my living room are enough. I love things just the way they are. Of course you all know I am joking with you.... and you were probably telling yourself much of the same things before bringing home your zons. The truth is, I must only be thinking about it because Gilbert was a grouch for a week. That HAS to be it. This too shall pass.

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OMG! That was exactly my feelings before I got my amazon.....! Boy can I relate!!! Give it up, you know it will happen, and besides, I don't want to be the only crazy bird lady as my kids call me. :) I am a car lover, how I ended up with so many birds, I still haven't figured out! But the fun and laughter I get from them is worth all the mess, expense chewed up doors etc.


LOVED your post, it had me laughing hysterically!!!!

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Stay strong!!!!Step away from the computer!!! Do NOT listen to those who would help tempt you to the Dark Side!!! This too, shall pass (until next time). :)


I had no idea I was infected until I went to look at a new, used cage last summer. I met a drop dead gorgeous BF at the lady's house. We just clicked instantly. Little bit scary to see you posting the conversion(s) I had w/myself after she told me she was rehoming the bird for someone in the family.


So far, so good. But I now know I can relapse at any time.

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The last straw for me would be to go to the armoire filled with toys from almost three years ago. I keep adding to it hoping against hope, Gilbert will suddenly want to play, it is too full to close the doors tight, more stuff under my bed, in my closet, in plastic tubs under both big cages in the living room. If you hear me say... "I think I will just take these toys to the parrot rescue", you will know I have gone over the edge, have already spied an Amazon there and it is only a matter of time. I went to the quarterly bird fair, but I still had the strength to go straight in to my favorite supplier and "step away from the occupied cages!", I kept my blinders on and was in and out for my red palm oil, more stainless steel food cups and of course a few toys. Hey, I have a lot of extra food and dishes, maybe I should check into that rescue place after all. Not yet, but I better wait until I am a little stronger before watching Nilah's pink dog video again.

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Ahh Ha! Dee, I can certainly related. I have been looking for a Lilac Crowned Amazon. That will be my last parrot!!!! I have always done things in even numbers so it is inevitable that I will one day have two greys and two zons. I just need to find one!!!!! Greys and zons the prefect parrots in my book! Can't wait to see your zon Dee!!!! LOL!!!!

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Well I can see the writing on the wall, Dee is going to end up with an amazon sooner or later, you might as well accept it. They do look like they would be a lot of fun to have one but I know my limit and it is 3 but I can satisfy my desire by admiring other's amazons and watching their videos. I've been called a crazy bird lady, I thanked them for the compliment.

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I have to say my amazon LOVES his toys! This guy plays all day. He never gets tired of corks, boxes, and wooden toys. It give me so much satisfaction to see him relish and demolish his toys. I think you need an amazon. They are totally different than a grey. You can do it! (wink)

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Wait until you get a wif of them after a bath! While blowdrying her, we get a demonstration of her beautiful feathers, Navy blue, green and red. She is soooo gorgeous! We all keep going back to get a wiff of her. WHAT is that smell? We all keep smelling her. Trying to identify what she smells like. I think she gets annoyed after a while, that we all take turns " inhaling" her .LOL Nancy

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I know it is a matter of time, but I am still digging in my heels. Surrrrreee I am, what am I doing poring over the Amazon Room then? I was NOT looking when a parrot snuck right up on me and I swear I just woke up and she had moved in. I will have to start finding homes with Amazon's so I can sniff. Each of my birds does have a different scent. Gilbert smells like fresh linen just off the clothesline. Java smells similar with a fruity top note. LOL. I love the zest of a playful Amazon. I am going to watch all your videos, read your posts and love your birds virtually in the cyberworld. I made a looooong list of why a third bird is not a good idea. I turned it over to write all the positive aspects... then I forgot what I was doing and tossed my notes. LOL, an omen maybe? If I start doodling around writing parrot names, I'm a goner.

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That is so funny. I was on the phone to a friend who has much more bird experience and asked what does an Amazon smell like? She said it was "musky", I asked if it was musky like cat spray and she laughed, she said no, it is a sweet perfume musk that is sometimes referred to as a jungle flower. I think I am only on the rebound after Gilbert was being a snot last week and looking at Amazon's just to threaten him with sharing his roost.

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