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We had some unwelcome excitement in our quiet little cul de sac. Our dogs sounded the alarm and roused me from my sleep and I noticed my husband was not quieting them. It was before five am and he is the early riser with a long commute. When I got up, the garage door was open so I knew he was out for his morning run. When I saw a couple patrol cars on the cul de sac my heart was racing. I was afraid he had been struck by a car. Long story short, it was an intruder found in the middle of a burglary four doors away. A kind policeman sent me back inside in my pajamas with the assurance he had seen my husband but what I didn't know was they were holding him as a suspect. He was dressed all in black, no identification.... just like the culprit found crouching in the neighbor's bedroom. OMG. They brought Will under cover in the back of another patrol car and he laughed and laughed when he saw David. He said, "No, that's my neighbor, the perp was young and athletic". So, when David came back in it was still dark outside and inside, we were looking out the window trying to figure out what just happened. David was a little "animated" telling me that he told the policeman "I was just jogging". In the dark, Gilbert piped up "Jogging" with a decidedly derisive snort, followed by maniacal laughter, punctuated with a whooooooo. All is well, the criminal was caught within hours, but Gilbert has been making a big joke about the jogging.

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Greys can find one thing and make a big joke out of it. It`s a reminder that they are not just a bird

Glad every one is OK.

OH when jogging in the dark light color is recomended.

Was he late for work ??

Good story for the boss.

Edited by Ray P
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Wh a story, and quite the scare! I too am an early morning runner, and although I have black shorts and a black jacket, I always wear a reflective vest if I am out in the fog or if it's before the sun has risen. Not worth the risk, many times coming home from work I have almost hit a jogger as they were all dressed in black, :(. That's a dangerous game to play. PLEASE go out today and buy him a reflective vest AND a ROAD ID bracelet. It has all identifying information, health risks, emergency contact info on it. He will never even know its on his wrist. If the unthinkable happened, they would immediately know who he is and who to contact and allergies etc. Those bracelets have saved do many lives. I wear one when I run and all my kids have them. My youngest, an avid bmx biker, dirt bike and snowmobile rider wears one all the time. And you never know, it will help him during the next the next burglary :):)

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He wasn't late for work and he definitely changed his habits and running attire. I have always had heartburn about him leaving the garage wide open while I am sleeping so I am happy to say that is a habit he changed too. We were lucky this time, but the K9 bloodhound unit came right through our driveway so that is definitely where the man ran on his escape route. Three houses were hit that night, all unlocked, or they gained access through an unlocked car and used the garage opener. They were brazen and raised our quiet little county to a new heightened security. I loved Gilbert's sense of humor over the whole thing, lightened things up while we make changes to protect ourselves. He does understand so much. Also while we were driving home from our daughters, I took the wheel so David could make a conference call. He got a cough drop and Gilbert piped up from the back seat "is that a cracker?" David muted his phone and told Gilbert it was not a cracker and he wouldn't want a cough drop. When he unmuted to go back to the conference, Gilbert laughed and the attorney on the other end asked "What's so funny?" The topic on the phone wasn't funny at all. It was funny in the car though.

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Thanks Talon, I got him the reflective vest and he put id in his jacket pocket. I have discovered that he will listen to a police officer better than his wife. I will keep that in mind the next time I want to have influence with him. LOL.


WOW that is definately QUITE the way to start the morning !!!!!!!! :eek:

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Oh my godness! And I was just teasing my husband that he should wear a ski mask because he was begging to get chased by the cops as he was going to go joggin wearing hiking boots and jeans the other night. (Yes he is not a regular jogger, he's a construction worker lol.) I'll have to share this story with him for sure!

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Dee you have made my day, I got a good laugh out of your story, though not funny at the time it sure makes for an interesting tale to relive over and over to everyone you know and of course Gilbert had the biggest laugh of all out of it, glad it turned out well and hope your neighborhood stays crime free for heaven forbid Gilbert has any more reasons to make a big joke. Thanks for sharing that with us.

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We are making the most of this neighborhood drama to keep the laughter going. About once a day Gilbert knows he can make me laugh by saying "Jogging" and laughing and always ends with hooooooo. If that isn't enough, there have been neighborhood watch meetings and the local law enforcement officers came to ask questions from my husband more this time as a witness rather than a suspect. LOL. We are having some self protection and gun safety classes and starting a neighborhood watch. I grew up around firearms and have used them but when our kids were in the house, I didn't have any weapons so it has been a couple of decades. They moved out but my daughter told me it is still not a good idea. She said what if they come to visit, I said just announce yourself before you come in. She said "C'mon mom, I can tell you I am there and twenty minutes later you will forget." Hahaha, that may be true. As I take my protection in my own hands, I did suggest my husband not only announce himself but a bulletproof vest may be a good addition to his running attire. I am not the only one in the neighborhood who is a little more jumpy than usual. LOL. Many of our neighbors have been installing motion sensor spotlights. One neighbor was a little put off by the excitement and said "those lights aren't going to be a big deterent" and I told him I didn't install them as a deterrent, but to light up my target so at least I might recognize my husband out there. LOL. Jogging, hahahahah, whoooo.

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That's funny! I can I imagine you must be on guard more than ever before. That hit too close to home. As for protecting yourself with firearms, that is the smartest thing you could possibly do. There have been more and more home invasions, what are you going to do? Become a victim? I think not. Just ask that 18 year old girl who recently had to shoot an intruder and killed gim to protect her baby. I have lots of true stories like that to tell you.


And as far as your daughter is concerned, she should know that you never shoot a gun unless and until you can identify the threat AND you or your loved ones lives are in danger.


Okay, enough seriousness, I really am enjoying your follow ups! And tell your husband he was in my thoughts making me giggle yesterday morning when I went out for my run dressed all in black! Lol

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Yes, I am following up with firearms training, self defense and good ole common sense. My kids are joking about me being dangerous with a firearm, they actually think I am dangerous enough without one. We are still laughing daily about my husband's end of the fracas. He was telling me today that sometimes at that hour a woman comes through flinging the advertisement paper into the lawns. He said she is crazy going from one side of the street to the other haphazardly, so he stops and waits for her to pass. He said he was just about to initiate his run when he saw headlights, stepped back from the curb to let her pass when it was the policeman getting out and ordering him to stop and put his arms up. He said "can you imagine if I had started running?" Six patrol cars and dogs all worked up over a home invasion call, he said he has seen "COPS" and he would have been thrown to the ground and tasered. LOL. Then he said how glad he is that the man was in Will's house because they had a good look at him to release my husband. If it were just a peeper, he was standing there all in black and even wearing gloves. He said he was sure he was going to see the inside of a jail cell. In the house, my first line of defense is a can of hornet spray. It is easy to keep in every room, shoots 25 feet and will temporarily blind someone and if I were confronted and cornered, it is easier to go for the can than to get to "traditional" weapon.

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I can see how they thought at first glance that he may be the perp they were coming for but so glad you all can laugh about it now, its a scary thing to have happen. I will go with a traditional weapon if confronted with someone breaking into my home for they will be looking down the barrel of a gun even though a can of hornet spray can do the trick.

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I grew up in the country and the whole family is well versed in firearms. I own three myself. If you have a firearm, make sure you will use it or you are better off without one. I'm glad all is well with your hubby Dee. To me what happened with him would be a very frightening experience.

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LOL! I'm sorry... it is quite funny! ( please apologize to your hubby for me!) I see more of the humour of the situation, that Gilbert saw. We've discussed, what " life would be like", if a burgular ever came here. ( God forbid!) Ollie would attack them, Zoey would lick them, Sophie would talk their ear off. Kiki would screech until they were deaf, Sunny... the littlest of the family, would bite their jugular, and they would bleed to death.( we've worked on the jugular thing). Nancy

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He may think it is a joke, but anything to make him wear a reflective vest. It is kind of like sneaking veggies into his pasta sauce and putting it through the blender. No wonder I get along with parrots, always something up our sleeve.

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