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My baby always amazes me with her intelligence and her perfectly logical conversations. The last I heard was 2 days ago between Sylia and my husband Chris.

I'm translating from greek.


Sylia: Baby, where are you? (Baby=my hubby)

Chris: Here.

S: In the kitchen?

C: Yes.

S: what are you doing there?

C: I'm cooking.

S: Bring me some tasty things! (tasty things = treats)

C: What tasty things?

S: Watermelon!!!

C: We have no watermelon! It's winter!

S: Ugh! You are a worm! (worm= like you say ''pig'')

C: And you are a little doll!

S: I know!!! (plus the sound of a kiss)

C: We have an apple though.

S: Give me!

C: You must say something. (meaning the magic word)

S: Pleeease!

And she gets her apple.

This was very long dialogue! It's like he was talking to me instead of Sylia! Waw! Greys are so clever!!! She really makes her own sentences.

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"Hello? Talk to the Meatloaf!" ... and I thought talk to the hand was rude... :P


There is no doubt they experiment with words and phrases, which indicates a remarkable intelligence. Of course, as the example above of a GreYt conversation by Julia, they know what they are saying and why.

Edited by danmcq
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I have a friend whose Macaw got tired of reminding her it was bed time and flew over to work with the light switch. Our feathered family flock members do know what they are saying. Smokey Joe asked for a Dr. Pepper Sunday morning when hubby asked Nana what she would like to drink. No he did not get one.

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athena- i had her out on the back porch (enclosed) one time so she could talk to the birdies and watch the birdies. well a 747 was pretty low heading to the airport. i pointed at it and told her to look at the biggest "birdie" she'd ever seen. she finally saw it (it was even closer now) and all the feathers on her body stood straight out and she said with the most emphasis and emotion i'd heard from her "WOW!!!". then she looked at me and said "WOW!!!" again. then she strutted around on the perch in the porch window saying "wow, wow, wow, wow...." while watching the sky. i don't know if she was hoping to see it again or was wondering where it'd gone or if she was just very proud of herself for having "conquered" it (she does think she's the biggest bird ever created in the entire universe)


kallie- i was giving her a head scratch, her eyes were closed and she was loving it. but then she opened her eyes, looked at me and tried to sucker bite me. i told her "no bite kallie". she asked me "why?". i told her "it hurts mommy when you bite and makes me sad" to which she asked again "why?". so i told her again "because it hurts". she then said, "ooohhhh, hhhhmmmm!!!"

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Spencer has this water drop sound he does whenever you change his water or he hears water running. It strikes me as incredibly clever since, really, how often do you hear water dripping? Yet somehow he's made that connection.


Misty does the exact same thing. He makes a very obvious water sound.It is clearly parrotese for water but he also uses the human word just to make sure I get the message. I wonder if wild Greys make the water sound to tell flock members about water.


Steve n Misty

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We haven't had any long dialogues yet but I still crack up about this: when it was around 4pm and Spencer started singing, "good morning, good moorrning!" I replied, "It's not morning silly!" and he said, "Sleepy time?" xD I decided he needed a mid-day greeting so within a day he learned "konnichiwa!" :D


Also, one day it was late and he kept repeating, "Sleepy time!..... Sleepy time!" etc but I was busy so I didn't respond yet.. finally he said, "Hello???", first time he ever said hello in a question tone, it was so funny!

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... Oneday, she forgot to say bye. I told her. She started the whole process again... but remembered bye! Nancy


Thats amazing! She knew just what you meant! Misty used to make his imaginary calls mimicking his former owner but now he listens to my calls and joins in with "Uh ha " and "OK", "Yes" . Often the caller can hear him so I have to explain my parrot is eavesdropping! He can always tell when the call is due to end. Then he starts to say "By by" . I assume he tells from the way I am speaking. He is the same with visitors. He can tell when they are about to get up to go and he says his "By by" Greys are extraordinarily good at reading human body language



Steve n Misty

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Misty does the exact same thing. He makes a very obvious water sound.It is clearly parrotese for water but he also uses the human word just to make sure I get the message. I wonder if wild Greys make the water sound to tell flock members about water.


Steve n Misty


Sylia does that too. But it's a running spring's sound (I have water dispenser). She does that sound every time I make coffee or tea, or simply fill a glass of water. But when I give the water to her she ALWAYS ask ''Is it fresh?'', I answer ''Yes, it's fresh!'', and she always ask again '' Fresh fresh??''. :D It's very cute, I think. My hubby sometimes comments ''What? She do not trust us to give her clean water?'' Of course he is joking :D

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Sylia does that too. But it's a running spring's sound (I have water dispenser). She does that sound every time I make coffee or tea, or simply fill a glass of water. But when I give the water to her she ALWAYS ask ''Is it fresh?'', I answer ''Yes, it's fresh!'', and she always ask again '' Fresh fresh??''. :D It's very cute, I think. My hubby sometimes comments ''What? She do not trust us to give her clean water?'' Of course he is joking :D


aww thats cute... I wonder what she would do if you were to say no...

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I remember one time Sylia's talking embarrassed me a little. We had a guest. He was going to take an offered cookie when my smartie Sylia said ''Did you wash your hands?'' . A guest was surprised but answered a simple ''Yes''. Sylia ask again ''Are you sure?''. I saw that our guest was now embarrassed, so I answered for him "Yes, hi's sure''. But Sylia wasn't done yet. She gave him a I'm-whatching-you look and said ''Show me!''

Of course we all laughed at that! :D I can assume she picked that from the conversations with my 3y.o. son. ;D


She ALWAYS knows what she says.

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I am trying to teach Misty "E=MC²".:cool:

But for now I will settle for "It's bed time.........It's bed time........................It's bed time NOW!" ( I do tend to stay up to late!)



Steve n Misty


Ha-ha-ha! :D When Sylia wants to sleep and we are still watching tv, she says '' Good night''. She repeats it for 15-20 min, untill she understands that we are not going to do anything. Then she says ''We are going to sleep!'' another 10-15 min of repeating. And when that doesn't work she starts to snore!!! My hubby thought it would be funny to teach her to snore though nobody snores in the household.... He does not think so anymore! Not when he is watching his football game and can not hear a thing! :D :D Sometimes she snores so loud that we have to switch off the tv and actually go to sleep LOL (because she can awake our son with all that noise). :)

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On a healthy note... I have two kids with " respiratory infection induced asthma". On the third day of a cold, they will either wheeze or be okay. Its been like this since they were very little. As teenagers, they start to ignore their symtoms think they are fine. I(f Sophie is coughing alot and does so for a few days, I know someone is sick and not telling me they are wheezing. I will listen to their lungs, hear the wheezing and start nebulizing. Sophie has stopped them from having to start steroids more time then I can count! Nancy

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thats a cool story with a great visual.


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athena- i had her out on the back porch (enclosed) one time so she could talk to the birdies and watch the birdies. well a 747 was pretty low heading to the airport. i pointed at it and told her to look at the biggest "birdie" she'd ever seen. she finally saw it (it was even closer now) and all the feathers on her body stood straight out and she said with the most emphasis and emotion i'd heard from her "WOW!!!". then she looked at me and said "WOW!!!" again. then she strutted around on the perch in the porch window saying "wow, wow, wow, wow...." while watching the sky. i don't know if she was hoping to see it again or was wondering where it'd gone or if she was just very proud of herself for having "conquered" it (she does think she's the biggest bird ever created in the entire universe)


kallie- i was giving her a head scratch, her eyes were closed and she was loving it. but then she opened her eyes, looked at me and tried to sucker bite me. i told her "no bite kallie". she asked me "why?". i told her "it hurts mommy when you bite and makes me sad" to which she asked again "why?". so i told her again "because it hurts". she then said, "ooohhhh, hhhhmmmm!!!"

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