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At What Age wIll a Baby Grey Try to Fly?


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at what age do Grey's usually fly or try flying? willo's always flapping her wings.and if i tell her she's a pretty girl she will do this every time i say willo's a pretty girl. her wings are not clipped. i know every bird is different i was just looking for general idea. thanks

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Attempts at flying usually happens after the bird has flapped it's wings over a long period of time. Muscles are being developed. Strength is being developed. Breathing is being developed. Heart rate is being developed.

The actual attempt at flying happens when the flapping is causing the bird to lift straight up off the perch about 1 to 2 inches. That may take weeks or days.The bird does that flapping more and more and finally gets brave enough to attempt flying which will wind up being very sloppy. The bird will usually end up on the floor after only going a short distance. The bird is doing the exact same thing that can be seen in nature shows that are focusing in on birds from the egg to adolescese.

The bird should never be encouraged to do this. The natural body parts are telling the bird to try it. The bird has no control over that lifting off of a perch. The wngs are getting stronger and nature is taking it's course and pulling the bird up off the perch into the air.

Edited by Dave007
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when willo is flapping her wings she is on my arm,and I'm sitting on the couch or floor. so are you saying i shouldn't praise her when she's doing this? i don't plain on ever having willo's wings clipped.so eventually she's going to learn to fly with more confidence and trial and error. i have taken precautions around my home for safety.

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when willo is flapping her wings she is on my arm,and I'm sitting on the couch or floor. so are you saying i shouldn't praise her when she's doing this? i don't plain on ever having willo's wings clipped.so eventually she's going to learn to fly with more confidence and trial and error. i have taken precautions around my home for safety.


I never said anything about praising her or not praising her. I never said anything about a floor or couch. I said *perch*.

You asked about the age of the bird when starting to fly. You asked a technical question and I gave you a technical answer.is on a perch doing those things, that's the time when a bird is getting stronger and nearing the flight stage. I said that the bird shouldn't be encouraged to fly off when it's not ready to ( off a perch ). I never said anything about your arm or wrist. Praising her isn't going to make her develop more quickly. Exercise and nature is doing that.

Edited by Dave007
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willotree... of course, if your bird is ready for flight... be ready to praise. Always encourage your bird. If they are flapping, want to get ready for takeoff, always compliment your baby. We have a great room, that all our birds practiced " takeoff". They all learned to fly. " Always... listen to your bird!" They teach us, what they are ready, or interested in learning Nancy

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I've decided to " sigh", when one moderator is wrong with their response. If an additional moderator chooses to "support", the first moderator, then I will just give a second sigh. I'm doubling my " sigh" Moving on..... Nancy



Excuse me, I mean no disrespect, but who are you to say whether a moderator is " right or wrong?" This is a FORUM intended to share ideas, tips, experience, stories, etc. and to offer encouragement and respect to a variety of members from all over the world. We all come from different backgrounds, and have done our own research regarding our birds. This is not a RIGHT or WRONG forum. There is no "correct" way to behave when raising a flock member in our families. We have our own opinions, and that is what they are, opinions, whether based on knowledge, research, or our own experience.


I have chosen my team of moderators for a variety of reasons, mostly because of their expertise. I have no set rule that we must all agree as a team. That's what makes this forum work so well. Each and every one of us have something to offer as moderators, and we also have our own ideas. I have always loved the fact that we are free to speak our own opinions whether or not we agree with each other. That is RESPECT! not some "SIGH" because we don't all think alike.


If you have a problem with one of my moderators, please feel free to private message me about it so we can discuss it further. :)


Now, back to topic please. :cool:

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Being an experienced forum member in many other forums, i have learned to move on! I f i don't like a post that someone has made, i will just read it and continue reading the other posts without adding new comments. We are all entitled to our own opinions, no body will change that "Let nature take it's course" even here :)

Our emotions are hidden behind TEXT, no one will be able to evaluate emotions correctly based on TEXT. I am sure we are all very nice people over here, tolerating animals and raising them up takes a lot of time, efforts and patience, only nice people can do that. I personally think that true pet owners are filled with emotions and love....That's what i think we all are in this forum :)


Peace out



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest candismalli

I won't find out if my pet store will get a grey for me from her breeder until toward the end of the month, but I am going back and forth with whether or not to clip him. I want to be able to have a flighted bird but I have 2 dogs. They are large and playful, and one is just over a year so still a puppy. I will be taking them to private training sessions every week this month to get them to be better behaved- my older one is pretty good but can get rilled by the puppy. I am a nervous nelly right now wondering which way to go on this. I will only have my bird out when I am around but I also know that I can and will walk out of the room plenty of times. My home is not too large and is only one floor but does have 4 bedrooms. I would appreciate your views on this please

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