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Any advice


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Hello Its been a little while since I posted Roxie has be busy and I also have been under the weather. The last few days roxie has been a little meany butt. She keeps biting everyone and we tell her no bite and walk away for a few minutes and return and she does it again. We try to give her a treat and she takes it real fast and throws across the room. We are not mean to her at all. but she sure has been a meany to us. Any advice would be great!

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I sually chalk things up like that to a stage or a bad day. I would leave her alone for a bit. She is clearly telling you she is mad about something. Don't engage her when she behaves this way, or try talking to her in a different type of voice, a lighter, softer higher pitched one. That works with my amazon.

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Penny hit the nail on the head. They get attitudes sometimes, that you may or may not know the reason. As already said, just walk away and let Roxie decide when she wishes some interaction. Sometimes as the age, they have times they just want to chill and be independent.

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