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How plaful are greys?


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So I am just wondering in african greys like to spin around and jump and play like macaw. I met a hyacinth macaw today and he was an awesome bird. You could hold him by his feet (one or both) and his beak and you could grab his feet and spin him around. Are African greys that playful?

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African greys can play just like other birds to a point. Each bird is his own. My son will put Corky on her back on a dinner plate and say she is not big enought for thanksgiving day dinner and we have to fatten her up, she will hang upside down from your hand. She will chase after you in the house and find you.

A lot depends on how well they are socialised.

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Ray, thats hysterical! Would love to see a video of that! My greys have no desire to play with us using their bodies in any way. We would be hamburg if we tried it. Guess we neglected to do that in the beg. But Rikki was over 2 when we adopted her.

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Gracie is very playful, but not with me. I mean she is active and loves her toys and to do acrobatic feats around her cage, but she doesn't really want to rough and tumble with me. I've only had her a couple of months and she is not quite 7 months old--so who knows what will be in the future. I used to play with her using a ball--but she ended up getting aggressive with me and grabbing at my fingers rather than the ball--so that stopped.

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Each grey and each bird is an individual so their personalities are gonna be slightly different, some are more active than others and what one does another may not, you just have to appreciate what your bird does do and as long as she is healthy and happy that is all that matters.

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My Twix is very playful and friendly, i can now left him up using one hand and he would not show any sign of fear. He will run towards my hands and shake his beautiful red tail like a dog. He longs to play with me and his toys for hours without getting bored. While my Indian ring neck SUSU, does not care that much about playing, he is very independent and wants to be left alone most of the time, all he cares about is eat and sleep (he loves flying around the house too)

Having an CAG for the first time in my life is an awesome experience so far :)

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I tend to believe that the more validated a trustful relationship is, the more a Grey will feel like they can drop their guard and be playful. A relaxed Grey can be the product of the bird not having to be looking out for possible harm, unpredictable environments and people, and a feeling that they and their desires are respected. That being said, a Grey cannot simply be called to play, they have to be in the mood. Even having said that, it really depends on what you mean by "play". Sometimes, you are the subject of a game that you did not initiate. LOL....you know when that happens. For example; Isaac knows that I do not want him near the tweeters of my bookshlef speakers. When he sees I am not paying enough attention to him, he will land right by them and swipe his face by them...as if to say, "I am gonna do it....look....I am gonna do it"...even mocking me by saying, "BOY!!" loud like I do when I am scolding him. Ohhh they love to play...just depends on what you consider a game.

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Sophie is VERY playful. She has different games she enjoys, for each of us. I LOVE what she does with my 17 year old! She LOVES his feet. He never wears shoes. She will chase his feet in the family room. He squeals in delight and runs! She puts her beak on his feet... TAG! Your it! She runs! He chases her( slowly!) LOL She puts her beak down, butt up in the air ( in plain sight!) LOL She stinks at hide and seek! She thinks she"s great at it! Of course Sean works very hard to find her.

Once the game of tag is over, and he plays a video game, she starts digging at his feet. One foot digging like a bull. Does anyone understand what she is doing? We don't know what it means. We know she is happy. Nancy

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