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archimedes is home!!!


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and can I say I'm really excited! My dad and I picked him up yesterday, and I got to spend around an hour with him before I went to work (boo) and he was still awake around 11.30 when I came home from work and today he woke up at 6... so needless to say, neither of us got much sleep last night. He's doing this weird thing where he's trying to bulldoze the side of his cage... He'll put his head down against the bars on the bottom and will just run... my guess is he just wants to be with us... but eventually he settles down and he took a nap...


here are some pics from yesterday



On the way home




too busy playing with all his new toys to take a picture




*I spy something grey with a red tail*



ohh also we made a BIG BUCKET OF MASH for him... and he LOVES it... took 3 hours because we blanched everything (just incase of bacteria)


and of course he picked his favorite person... my father... :confused: :confused: and of course he's the one that did the least work getting prepared for having him home... but oh well... things can always change

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Wow that's a lot of goodies in his cage! Make sure he has room to spread his wings and flap them. They do need to be able to move around freely. Archimedes is certainly a very handsome grey. I look forward to hearing more about his homecoming. I know you are very excited and greys pick on the "vibe" so just relax. My greys like me and certain of my kids so just enjoy him and relax so he knows he can be safe and secure with you. Your pictures are great!

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Congratulation! I know how excited you are feeling. It was just 2 months ago that I brought Gracie home. Don't worry too much about Archimedes choosing a favorite person yet. I am the only one at home with Gracie and sometimes I'm not even sure she has chosen ME as her favorite--she keeps looking at the door for other options-LOL. I want to echo what luvparrots said about his set up. You have certainly provided a wonderful home for your new fid. Before I got Gracie I asked how many toys I shoud have in her cage when I brought her home. The consensus was just one or two. More than that can be overwhelming at first. You might consider just rotating toys in and out every week. That way he will have something new to look forward to and still have lots of "wing room". Keep us posted.

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Your CAG's looks like my ekkie's cage. In which case, it's huge (36"wx28"dx57"i/70"o ht ?). You've left a good bit of open space in the top left & on the floor. From your pics it looks like there would be enough room in that set up for my ekkie's wingspan which is aprox 24-30" vs a CAG's which is aprox 18-20" I think. So, I really like what you've done w/Archimedes' cage. :D


I don't know about the overwhelming part though, because I've never had a baby grey. But if he's interacting comfortably w/everything & not falling, shouldn't that mean he's okay the way things are...??

Edited by birdhouse
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yes birdhouse, that's the size, per everybody's recommendation, I took out almost all the toys, leaving 2 small dangly toys and 2 balls in his cage (and took out like 6 different toys)... he's settling in a lot better, but I'm scared he might not be getting enough food... we have the first meeting with the vet (avian specialist) tomorrow so I'll see if I could get a couple portions of formula feed... I mean, Archimedes IS eating (boy does he eat) but I'm scared that he's not eating as much as he should...

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