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Weaning and Weight Loss


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Makena is down to 2 hand feedings a day as of about a week ago. He usually takes about 45-50ml of formula in the morning and at night. We give him pellets (which he loves) and tons of fruits and veggies during the day. He has a very healthy appetite and seems to be constantly munching on something.


We monitor his weight VERY closely and are noticing he is loosing some weight. He was hovering between 430-450g, but has since dropped to about 415g. He is very active.... loves flapping his wings and playing with toys. If he makes his way to the floor, he runs all over the place!


I guess my question is... is this weight loss normal, and should we expect more? We just want to be prepared... I think Mak is a little sick of the vet!! Thanks guys, Aloha!

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Hi Kristin, The more he eats real food and less of the Formula, the more he will lose weight. He should be down to one feeding, and after a week or week in a half he should be on reg food.

Hemingway weight was 437g and now 374g.

I don't see anything wrong. Did you read that e-mail I sent you with feedings?



6 hours are up, here is the karma I said I would give you this afternoon, with Tracy.

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I have to agree with Joe, Ying Mo dropped quite a bit once he was totally weaned approx 75gramms, however he gained it back slowly over the last month. I would try not too worry to much which I know is hard as you have already had so many trips to the vet. I find that softened digestive cookies and a little dab of peanut butter work wonders in aiding in weight gain. All I have to do is look at my own hips hahahhaa:woohoo:

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Hi Kristin, A weight loss of up to 15% is perfectly normal for the weaning psittacine bird. Some birds lose nothing; others lose a lot. The increased activity will add to the weight loss.continue to monitor his weight during the weaning process,but i would not worry to much unless there is a very significant weight loss which of course would point to other possibilities.:)

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I know that at the fledging age they drop a lot of weight so it is easier to fly. Mine lost so much that he was looking thin, but he was eating like a mad man and was playful as ever. I'm betting thats all that is going on with your baby. If he isn't flying yet then he will be shortly.

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Guest briansmum

not really anything i can add but just for comparisons sake:

pre fledge weight - 530g

post fledge weight - 475g(average) although he has gone up to 496g after a good helping of yummy baby food :lol:

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