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Blow dryer?


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Twix is bathing once a week, he sits in the bathtub and enjoys a thin layer of warm water. After maybe 5 minutes or so, he will have enough and wants to move on. Then i put him in a small towel and he doesn't like that btw, but i have to move him from the tub to the stand i fixed especially for him in the bathroom. He then sits on the stand and really enjoys the warm breeze of the blow dryer! He doesn't mind sitting there for as long as it takes, i talk to him and pet him a lot.

I then move him to the hall where we play for an hour almost, he is always more active after bathing and likes to play with different toys.


The question is: Is using the blow dryer safe?


This is a photo of him right after the bath:




Thank you for your replies in advance.

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not only can it dry out the skin like luvparrots said, but a lot of blow driers have teflon coating (why i don't know) or ceramic coils.... so I really wouldn't risk it... also air drying is most natural for them... if it's really an issue, you could always take your grey to the warmest part of your house to dry if temperature is a factor

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