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jealous greys


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In my other thread about my last visit with archimedes I forgot to mention another little thing that happened. I was walking around the bird room and I was checking out one of the macaws (scarlet). Well... Archimedes did not like that I didn't give him undivided attention, even though I was engaging him ("look at the pretty macaw") and he let me know... he nipped me twice, any time I payed too much attention to the macaw.


I know that I can't have him on me while checking the macaws in the future... but if he gets jealous about this, what else will he be jealous of... and what are ways to combat jealousy

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Jealousy is not just a grey thing. I have seen and see jealousy in my amazon and in my cockatiels to.

What worked for me is when I would get nipped by my grey when around my other birds she would go back to her cage for the nip but I did not stop haveing her out with me when around the other birds. It`s nip and back to cage, nip back to cage, and each time I said no bite. After a short time she stoped the nip because she went back to her cage for the nip and not because of being around the other birds. The one thing is you don`t want your grey to resent the other birds because your around them but to stop the nipping.

This worked for all my fids.

My grey, amazon and cockatiels are all shoulder birds so it`s important that they know the rules when they are out and or on my shoulder.

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Yes, my birds all are jealous of the others. I have gotten a nip or two on occasion. I try to give scratches to all birds at the same time if they are begging for them. But my amazon thinks I belong to her, and will sometimes allow Rikki to come over or else Rikki will let her know she belongs with me also.

Like your advice Ray, thanks for sharing it.

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Yes, I agree with Talon and Ray. Even after so many years together, my greys will pull that off whenever they please and sometimes I'm in the way. For me, there's plenty of times that I'll let them settle it cause they sure don't like interference from me and their bites tell me so. That's why I never allow any routines to get going cause I myself forget those routines and I pay the price. It never fails. Sometimes it's just not my day to be a part of their jealousy. It could be the smallest to the largest thing. They're very talented at being SOBs.

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Well said Dave, that put a smile on my face. I do let them settle their little differences sometimes, I thinks it necessary for them to work things out in their bird way without human interference. It teaches them how to get along in a flock, where their place is in this family, and also resentment can start if I always interfere. Don't get me wrong, if ever I see one getting too rough, I will step in, but that never happens, they are gentle enough with each other and still able to get their point across.

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My parrots fight all the time. Ana Grey, the smallest in the boss, she always has been as she is fearless. Although the other two are larger than Ana Grey she is the quickest and the one in charge. I watch them constantly. Ana Grey "owns" my left shoulder and my right shoulder is used by either Sterling Gris or Louie. It's funny to hear Sterling Gris, the youngest but largest of my parrots, scream when one of the other two "pick" on him. The funny thing is that they never fight in the bird room or when I am away from them. They do understand the meaning of "no fighting" because they are always into trouble about picking on each other and always stop the moment I say, "no fighting". They never really try to hit each other just get the other away from where the other wants to be. Ana Grey is usually the "winner" as she is the most aggressive and has I said, the quickest. None of my parrots bites me when I give one of the others attention, they fight each other, not me.

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I was at my breeders house getting Chickie's wings clipped one time and I picked up a baby Caique that she had because I thought she was just the cutest little thing. Chickie INSTANTLY flew off her basked and flew at the Caique and tried to knock it off my hand-twice! She was definitely letting me know that it was not ok for me to be holding another bird.

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I can't honestly say, why all my birds of different origins, get along. I know, Sunny, our rescue, is grateful, that we took him in, never gave up on him. Kiki, our Amazon, was always easy, until she had a " life experiencing change", it made a HUGE difference in her opinion. Sophie, our Grey, was best friends with my 18 yr old Lhasa Apso. He trained our Maltese pups, to love and trust her. Sophie rules our animal kingdom. Noone questions her. She makes the decisions. She is fair. When she tells the pups, to " go outside and pee"... they run to the door. ( thanks Sophie!) When Sunny and Kiki argue... she corrects their behavior. Sophie asks very little for herself. Of course... all responsibility for all animals, is mine, I let her know, I LOVE her to death, but I am responsible ultimately, for everyone. Nancy

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We don't have jealousy issues anymore, but then again, we are 12 years established! Sophie our grey rules. Everyone knows this, including dogs. Kiki, our Amazon, is either molting or something else. She is being a " witch" past few weeks. She and Sunny love each other, and sleep together. They actually do everything together. Lately, she puts her foot on his body, doesn't let him go anywhere. Of course he complains.... Sophie comes running! She doesn't bite, or say anything. I've watched her in action as I have intercepted with Kiki. Sophie's eyes are pinning.... Kiki RUNS! WHOA! I wish I could do that with my kids! Nancy

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My two parrots don't seem to have any issue with interfering with each other or the dogs. They don't seem to mind if I give attention to any of the other pets in the household. It seems more like they are nicer and clamor for their piece of my attention in a sweet way after I spend close up time with any one, they all are sweet to take their turn. Where they do show jealousy is toward my husband. If either of the parrots are out they will let him give them a scratch or change their food or water dishes out. But, if he sits next to me on the sofa, even when they are in the cage, especially Java the red bellied parrot, will wait for her next chance to fly to him and try to bite him. Gilbert, the TAG is not as likely to strike out at David as he is to bite me if he sees David getting my attention. Yesterday I got a hard bite just from talking to David on the phone. The bite was totally unexpected. The worst part was I was telling David how long it has been since my little darling had tried to nip me. As long as I was up, I handed each of the birds their night time almond and Gilbert took the almond sweet and gentle as usual and in a heartbeat he flung the almond to the floor and bit my finger. So much for all that praise at his behavior of late.

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