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Archimedes has discovered his beak


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I went to see Archimedes this weekend, and he's discovered his beak... I'll be the first to admit, I'm not really enjoying this stage. By discovering his beak, he's also discovered 2 things he can do with his beak, the first... Finger's (don't) make good chew toys. And the second... holding on to mommy's phone is (not) fun.


The first one, I don't really enjoy because frankly... THAT HURTS geez louis... and it's not just the bite, it's that he chews like you wouldn't believe (well maybe you would). And the second I'm not really too fond of because the screen is made of glass and I don't want him shattering the glass (and possibly ingesting that glass)


PLEASE tell me that this is a short stage... even if you've gotta lie

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Unfortunately it's kinda a normal reaction for them. Whenever my Chickie would want to chomp on my fingers my breeder would say that I needed to give her a toy to redirect it. They naturally love to chew, so if he starts chewing on something you don't want him to then I found it's just easiest to give them something that it is ok to chew on instead. Chickie is 6 months old this month and she doesn't really want to chomp on my fingers anymore, but she will often check out my fingers with her beak. This doesn't hurt and I allow her to do that because she, in this case, is using her beak like another "hand." She will however still chomp on my cell phone if I get it too close and I have heard from many on here that their bird's favorite past time includes popping off keyboard letters on laptops and computers. So...basically the hand chompyness will pass, just redirect it to an appropriate toy, and you may always have to watch your cell phone around him. Hope that helps.

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oh I am so ok with the finger nibble... and he used to nibble, and I was fine with that... its where the CHOMP and chew chew chew comes in when I start to not like it so much. The button thing I knew about... back when we had a cockatiel, he was OBSESSED with the rubbery buttons on tv remotes and such so I'm somewhat prepared to go into the hiding the remotes, turning them upside down (though I don't think Archimedes will have a problem turning them back up) I told my mother, anything that you don't want broken... put it away for now (glass stuff that can fall if he lands on the mantle and such) and we can bring it out later... we'll see how that goes though

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snoepgoed123... Of course, they chew and bite. Distract with chew toys. Definitely, put away the family valuables. Wrist status only. If they bite... definitely let baby know, you don't approve. I got Sophie at age two, but if she bit... I gently grabbed her beak told her NO! She was returned to her cage and tried again five minutes later. Repitition! Don't fall for the " parent trap"! ( baby won't love me if I discipline".} They focus on that!

We were picked from several families to adopt Sophie. Her owner was rich and he took excellent care of Sophie. Many families applied to adopt her. They were all experienced owners of a grey. We had NO experience! We had just rescued Sunny, and had just adopted Kiki, our Amazon. Was called back for a second interview, ( first one didn't go well!) I couldn't talk to the owner, as Sophie was talking to me like crazy! Second interview, was just as bad! Sophie was chewing my ear off ( baby talk), I again couldn't focus on owners questions. I knew Sophie and I had bonded. Left " very sad!" Felt like I just lost my new best friend! Received a call the next day. Sophie was ours! I was sooo thrilled! I asked the owner, why we got picked. There were so many other applicants that were experienced. He just laughed! Told me, all the interviews were about Sophie. She was picking her next family. She chose us twice. I asked him for any words of wisdom.... he said, " always listen to your bird!"

We do.

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yup, right now Archimedes is a lap and hand bird only. We're still learning to trust each other, and until we can read each other's body language, he won't be coming anywhere near my face, and when he does, it will be on my terms. I do believe that discipline given correctly, and befitting the act is very healthy, for children... and since greys have the cognitive abilities of children (to some extend) they would also benefit from a correct and healthy amount of discipline.


and your story of how Sophie picked you guys is adorable, I loved that the family let her decide and not have the family decide (because it's her life that's being changed)

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