Life is Greyt Posted March 19, 2012 Share Posted March 19, 2012 I dont know what this could mean but hopefully someone else will have some insight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him though...he's a tough little guy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 19, 2012 Share Posted March 19, 2012 I get to work with and observe a lot of Macaws on the weekend and have a god friend that rehabs Macaws in New Mexico and we have both observed that some birds deliberately gulp air into their crops. It may have stated as boredom when he was kind of neglected at his prior residence if this is what he is doing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 20, 2012 Author Share Posted March 20, 2012 Hmmmm, i hope, sort of, that is what he is doing because he isn't acting sick(er). When he dances, he throws his head back and rolls it side to side, Stevie Wonder ish, but Stewart bobs his up and down, i wonder if he is trying to copy him. If so, i will say that Oliver can't dance! Yesterday after his gagging dance, he got active and wanted held, loved and put on his stand! Then he got busy, i got some great pictures of him, in fact one is now my new favorite! We are being pelted by storms today, i had mentioned i didn't know how these boy would react. They don't seem to be bothered by it at all. Yeah, finally something easy about them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 20, 2012 Share Posted March 20, 2012 He looks happy and active-all good. Pouring rain down here also lots of wind just South of Houston. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 20, 2012 Author Share Posted March 20, 2012 That wind was awful yesterday, glad it is over. Hope yours ends soon. I spoke too soon, Oliver has an eye shut this morning. I can't see anything in it, hopefully he didn't scratch it. Man, if it isn't one thing, its another! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 20, 2012 Share Posted March 20, 2012 My Greys often bump their faces and eyes when playing hard, perhaps that is what he did. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 21, 2012 Author Share Posted March 21, 2012 We had another first with Oliver last night. He was playing WITH me! It was so cute and to be honest, i wasn't sure if he was playing at first. I had gone in their room to get them started for bed and his roll of paper was about empty and all over the floor so i was gathering it up, he ran to the edge of his cage and squatted down trying to reach me with his beak so i held up the paper i had wadded up and he went after it. It scared me at first and i just sort of tossed it to him, he caught it ran off and then threw it back to me. We did this for a bit then it was like something snapped and just started running, and i mean running, around the top of his cage throwing everything off. He was either throwing things to me or at me, still not to sure which! Lol It was really a lot of fun and after this he was in no way ready for bed so both the boys got to stay up a little later than usual and watch tv with us! I am starting to thing they are spoiled! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 21, 2012 Share Posted March 21, 2012 Love hearing about his new game, that is progress. How is his eye this morning? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 21, 2012 Author Share Posted March 21, 2012 It seems fine. Maybe he was just flirting with me by winking for 5 hours, once daddy got home, his eye opened and hasn't bothered him since. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pink_princess Posted March 21, 2012 Share Posted March 21, 2012 Your very kind person for taking him in and giving him a good home, i hopes he gets better soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 22, 2012 Author Share Posted March 22, 2012 Another good day! He is starting to relax with me and is now demanding for me to pick him up! In fact yesterday i was stuck with him on my back for about 45 minutes until daddy got home to help me out. It was my fault he got there as i was trying to get him back on his stand and he didn't want to go so i rested my arm on it and looked away, he wandered to my shoulder and when i tried to get him back on my arm, he went the wrong way! He even let me groom his new feathers on his neck and he kissed me, not just a beak but tongue out the side on my cheek! He is opening up just in time for his recheck on Monday when he will hate me again! Lol I am getting excited to go to the vet to show off his improvement and get a new weight! Gotta throw in here that Stewart did something cool yesterday too. He has just started letting me tickle his head and he was hanging from the top of his cage upside down. I reached in because he was giving me his head to scratch and i didn't want to turn that down. While i did that i set my hand on his back and he totally relaxed his body into it, letting me support his weight. Now he never took his feet from the cage but i was so proud of this step he took! I think him watching me with Oliver is helping him to see we won't hurt him and love is good! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 23, 2012 Author Share Posted March 23, 2012 Oliver did it again... We were outside for maybe 20 minutes, came back in to get the boys and there he was inside Stewarts cage. I have never seen his eyes pinned like they were. Almost no black at all, it was eerie looking but man oh man was he excited. Poor Stewart was just sitting across from him, i think afraid to move. Lol I always think about getting pictures too late. It was a site to see. Stewart needs to start talking again so he can tell Oliver " don't do it buddy!" Oh, Oliver was chatting away to my niece yesterday. Have no clue what he was trying to say, i was told he only says hello and i have heard that and heard his say out, but this was a good minute of mumbling. Olivia tried to record it for us but as soon as the phone came out, he stopped. It still amazes me how much joy these guys have brought into our lives! We have the outside playstand finished but i wanted to see what you all think about planting some of Olivers snap peas at the bottom so it would creep up the stand. Would it be safe for them? I got 10 plants for their garden and they are pretty big already, the farmers market had thrown them away because they had grown together and were in a big knot. I spent over a week searching for snap peas and find them in a dumpster, they were so nice, the guy climbed into it and pulled them all out for me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 23, 2012 Share Posted March 23, 2012 Very kind of him, they should be safe even the growing sprout are eatable in salads,steamed lightly or stir fried. You are making great progress with Oliver, good on you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 25, 2012 Author Share Posted March 25, 2012 The redhead is Maryanne, the girl who picked my boy bald! We thought they could get together on a play date. WRONG! This calm picture was the last, lol. Oliver has a little bump on his noggin and is missing half a tail feather darn it! How those two lived together for a year plus is beyond me! She is a bully! Bright side, Oliver and Stewart love their new perch outside and i planted 3 snap pea plants to grow up it. By the time they sprout something, he'll probably be over this phase! I am really starting to bond more and more with him. This morning after their breakfast, i figured i would try for the shower with him. He was on top of his cage and all i had to do was ask him if he wanted one and he came running over to me, stepped right up without his usual game of heres my foot, now bring your arm up here so i can beak you! We sat outside and he wanted to sit with me, so while he was in my lap, i groomed his feathers. When i put him on the back of my rocker, he started grooming my hair! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 Nice to see them both and she does look like a tough girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malikah Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 murfchck said: We sat outside and he wanted to sit with me, so while he was in my lap, i groomed his feathers. When i put him on the back of my rocker, he started grooming my hair! Awwww, that is so sweet! ::warm fuzzies:: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 26, 2012 Author Share Posted March 26, 2012 I predict his warm fuzzies with me will end today for a bit... Vet day, just a recheck but he still won't be happy with me! I have a snap pea on my vine already! ( sorry for my excitement but at $3 a bag, a bag a day, growing my own allows for more toy dollars!) And he doesn't eat just peas alone anymore so it sure is adding up. It is funny with him, he will not eat anything that he shouldn't. Like, he doesn't eat white bread, just whole grain. He hates salted anything. Actually doesn't care much for any seeds either, will hardly touch sunflower seeds. I have a health nut, pretty lucky in that aspect! Now Stewart on the other hand, the more he shouldn't have something, the more he screams for it and i get punished by his turning his back on me when i won't give it to him. Or he will lower his head for skritches and just when i get under his feathers, he turns and bites! Ahhh, i feel his love for me and sometimes its darn outright painful! Lol Oliver is starting to test us now also, he bit my husband yesterday and he did the right thing but not pulling away or showing the pain but after when Oliver saw the blood he caused, he started kissing the wound. Sweet but icky too. Maybe he is part vampire, thats the second time he has kissed Pat's boo boo when he was bleeding. Lol Welp, here is hoping for a weight gain today! Keep your fingers crossed for him! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 27, 2012 Author Share Posted March 27, 2012 I couldn't wait till the morning to share this! He did great, gained weight and had lots more feathers! His weight was 885 and is now 893 and he said that he could just be a smaller weight bird and for him thats good. If he gains much more it could hurt him because of his frozen wing and hip issue, as he would not be able to balance himself. He stated that on a scale of 1-5, his last visit was a 2.5 and he was very happy with his progress. Unless we are unable to saline his nose, he may need to see him to clean it out, otherwise he is good until we retest him and test Stewart in 6 months for the pdd. He also said for me not to panic and worry.... 30% of birds test positive and only 3-5 % contract this disease. It is like birdie aids, right now lets say he is hiv positive, that doesn't mean he will die of aids, he is just suseptable to it and can still spread it to others who may not be able to fight it. ( that is my description of it, not the drs, but it is easier for me to understand it that way ) He spent so much time with us answering stupid questions and looking at our pictures. Lol I showed him the air sac pictures and he said what Greywings said, he is gulping air. Its okay as long as it goes down. If it doesn't after a day or two, he needs to be seen because thats when its a problem. I even asked about him licking wounds... He laughed and said its red, he likes red and thinks it food and the salty taste is tempting, but if we want to think he is "kissing it to make it better" then go ahead but not to tell anyone he said that! I feel like 100 lbs has dropped off my shoulders. Thank you everyone who stuck with me and gave suggestions and support! I know it isn't over but his improvement is hopeful!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 27, 2012 Share Posted March 27, 2012 Such very good news!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 27, 2012 Author Share Posted March 27, 2012 I am beside myself with joy! I think it may be passing on to the boys too! Oliver has been chatting up a storm. We know he says hello, out and nut, his newer mumblings are long and getting clearer today! I feel like i have fallen in love for the first time again! Watching him play and knowing he isn't living on borrowed time now brings tears to my eyes for his courage to fight and his strength to reach this point! I know i sound sappy but i just can't help it! My cup runnith over!!! :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 28, 2012 Share Posted March 28, 2012 Party on!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 29, 2012 Author Share Posted March 29, 2012 Wow, busy day with the boys! I found a matching stand for Stewart today so went and got it. Oliver took it instead, he decided he liked it better. I have been saying that Oliver talks and it is getting clearer by the day, well my husband hadn't heard it yet and i didn't realize that. When he got on his new stand, he started dancing and saying hello over and over. My husbands jaw hit the floor, he was shocked. Stewart is scared of the stand and now won't even sit on his old one, this will take some time i think. When we got the stand, the woman asked if we needed a cage too. We didn't, but you know you always have to look. We left with a new cage too, gesh she was good at selling! It is bigger than Stewarts cage but smaller than Olivers. When we got Oliver she gave us a huge cage for him, she said it was damaged so we could just keep it. It had no bowl holders, some missing doors for the food and water but we made it work. It was also missing the play area on the top. (This cage is big enough for 2 or 3 macaws.)I am really debating if i want to put Oliver in the new one even though it is smaller, but still plenty big enough for a macaw, and it has much better usage for him or put Stewart in a bigger one and go thru the whole "new" phase... Either way, the only time either are in their cage is to sleep. 3 cages and 2 birds, maybe i should just get another bird! Lol, ha ha ha. I wouldn't do that right now! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 29, 2012 Share Posted March 29, 2012 Great shopping trip, Oliver seems to have a well developed sense of humor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murfchck Posted March 30, 2012 Author Share Posted March 30, 2012 He does and found out today he is polite! He started trying to bath in his water so i thought i would help him out with the spray bottle. I went to mist him and he tried to (acted like he was anyway) bite the bottle so i just said ok and put the bottle down.... He said thank you. I waited a bit and tried again bc i didn't believe what i had heard, again he said thank you! The gagging thing he does has now been confirmed. He was doing it again today but this time holding his foot in his mouth while he did it so i got close and watched carefully, then it happened. A bunch of food came up from under his tongue! Ewww! He looked like he was sticking a finger down his throat to help keep his weight down! (can't think of the word right now of what its called, lol) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greywings Posted March 30, 2012 Share Posted March 30, 2012 LOL Bulimia nervosa but I think this may just be one of those bad habits behaviors he developed while being neglected. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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