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GracieHoudini Video


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Here is a video of Gracie opening up and pulling out her foodbowl. I'm sorry that my voice is in the background, but I was on the phone with someone when I saw Gracie going for foodbowl door and I didn't want to be rude to the person I was chatting with.







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She is very loved. As for her going in through the open door--well it was getting close to "night night" time and Gracie hates bed time and was worried I might lock her in if she went inside her cage. So I think she was quite crafty in getting her food without risking incarceration!

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JeffNOK... you will be able to bond in a deep way. The strong sense of " self", is always a blessing, and is probably one of the most important traits I encourage. All Greys think they are important, but if they have a " strong sense of self", they are able to take it one step furthur! They are certainly leaders, but they learn what " responsibility" means. Sophie gets this! When Max my 18 year old Lhasa was ready to hand over the " reins" to Sophie, when she was four years old, I was unimpressed! I knew he was grooming her, for the position. I doubted her ability. He liked her, the moment she walked in the door. He was right. She has done an excellent job. Nancy

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Gracie is such a charmer, I had to go through all the videos and photos. That made me smile all the while. On the second video when she was flapping her wings, I was wondering what the plastic stuff on the wall was all about. Then, I watched her traverse the picture frame and saw that you have taped it down so she doesn't have a surprise crash landing. You are a considerate daddy. Gracie is adorable. Thanks.

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lol Oh she is going to be a handful! Looks like you're really going to need to keep Gracie's cage stuffed w/enough toys to keep her from thinking up her own amusements.


I've had cages w/that type of latch & they aren't great. If this becomes a problem, you can go to the hardware store & get a couple of dog snaps, like on the end of leashes. Nickel plated or stainless are okay. But avoid the electro-galvanized ones because they're zinc plated. She shouldn't be able to open it once you work out how to clip together a bar on the door & cage.


While you're there, you might also save yourself some effort w/Gracie's favorite hanging toy uhhm frame. You could pick up a little hanger wire & eyebolt kit for a couple of dollars. If you add this to the bottom, you can limit how much she can pull the picture away from the wall & have a second weight bearing point for support.

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