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Hi from Dubai


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Hello everyone,


My name is Ismail and i am a new owner of a 4 months old CAG! I have been reading for almost a month now about CAGs and how to take care of them. Learned a lot, especially from you guys :)


My TWIX is so playful and loving, got him from a pet store and spending loads of time with him/her! I am not sure if he is a male or a female yet, the vet should be able to tell me soon i guess.


Twix is pooping outside his cage and i am trying hard to teach him not to, but no luck so far. The joy of communicating and playing with him can make me clean all he wants after him :)


I will welcome all your advises and comments so i can be a more responsible owner of the great CAG.


Thanks for having me here





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Hello Ismail and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

Twix is a gorgeous grey whether male or female, thanks for including a pic with your intro post.

You have come to the right place to learn all you can by reading thru the many threads, it is firsthand knowledge from experienced grey owners but if you have any questions just ask and we will do our best to help you in any way we can.

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Well, i am still hand feeding him! Trying to stop that and force him to eat the fruit & seeds mix i bought him and he doesn't seem to accept it! He is eating the fresh fruits i give him also, but not the mixed food i bought. is there a reason behind that? His cage is big and interesting, gets out of his cage most of the time and gets to play with me and my 3 year old daughter, not stressed at all.

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Don't force him to stop the feedings, as long as he wants them give them to him, you don't want to rush the weaning process as it is better to let the bird decide when he no longer wants or needs them and as he gets closer to weaning he will eat the other foods more readily. You should be offering more veggies and very little fruit.

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Welcome Ismail,

I have been to Dubai. What a great mix of tradition and new technology!

My bird does not like to poop in his cage either. I think that is a good thing as they do not want to dirty their "house" so to speak. Just like some other owners, they soon will have places outside their cages where they customarily relieve themselves, and the clean up will be relatively simple.

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Hey chezron,


I am glad you liked Dubai (No other place like it!). I have noticed that Twixs favorite spot for pooping is my favorite carpet! lol, i am now covering the carpet with a plastic sheet when he's out for some fun. I guess i have to live with it or relocate the carpet. It is comforting when i hear that others are having the same issues my parrot has :)

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The connection between me and Twix is growing everyday, i am surprised how CAGs can be very attached to their owners and i love it that way! Twix likes to stay next to me no matter where i am, he follows me around the house. He does not give attention to my wife or my daughter at all!!! If i talk or even sneeze he will whistle or make some noise immediately. I think he believes i am his mother or something "lol" being the one who is hand feeding him everyday maybe.


I am happy that i bought him and i can't wait to see what else he will show me.


Thanks for reading



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Yeah i am working on the boob problem, but no luck yet! He just love the carpet. What i find strange about Twix is that he runs quickly towards my hands when i call him (On his feet) and when he reaches my hand, he will shake his beautiful red feathers and greet my hand in a very funny way with his beak. I'm loving him more everyday, and waiting to see the best yet. Greys are far better than Indian Ringneck Parakeets. I have both now anyways, but my Parakeet is very moody and doesn't play as much.

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If you are still handfeeding him then he has a special affection for you for you are his meal provider, not that he will change when he no longer gets handfed but it explains why he is so fascinated and smitten with you right now but he seems like a real sweetheart and I hope it stays that way although you should try getting him to interact with the other members of the family so he is well socialized.

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