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Ready for a CAG or TAG!


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I'm officially moving in one month, so I'm finally ready to get a CAG or TAG! I'm going to go to my breeder once I have all the money in the bank (I started saving from my paychecks), but until then I'm open to adopting if the right grey comes along.


I live in the NYC area, but could travel to New Jersey or Pennsylvania if needed.

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Oh trust me, my patience has lasted much longer than this. When I was 14 years old I volunteered at the SI Children's Museum, and they had a sort of "mascot" Sun Conure. It was my dream to have a bird after that...and I didn't get my first bird until last year at 20 years old, and my dream bird has always been a Grey. So I'm very excited! Like I said, I need to save up some money (I believe it'll take me around 8-10 weeks) but if a rescue comes along in my area, that's fine too. Trust me, I've checked craigslist, petfinder, kijiji, everything!

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  Eshana said:
Oh trust me, my patience has lasted much longer than this. When I was 14 years old I volunteered at the SI Children's Museum, and they had a sort of "mascot" Sun Conure. It was my dream to have a bird after that...and I didn't get my first bird until last year at 20 years old, and my dream bird has always been a Grey. So I'm very excited! Like I said, I need to save up some money (I believe it'll take me around 8-10 weeks) but if a rescue comes along in my area, that's fine too. Trust me, I've checked craigslist, petfinder, kijiji, everything!


I so identify with this. :)

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  Eshana said:
Still no luck with finding a single grey in my area! It's so funny...just two months ago they were everywhere...


I hate that-Grrrr..... I'm so excited for you. I could not imagine my life without Slater (CAG) in it. He makes me laugh each and every day. Can't wait to see the lucky grey when you find him/her.

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I have heard a saying something about when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I believe you are ready for your grey and a grey will appear. You have been so diligent about learning and creating a home for you and your parrots and there is a grey out there looking for you at the same time. I didn't know I was looking when I was found by Gilbert and it is the perfect arrangement that we each needed the other at the same time. How close are you to Talon's favorite bird store in New Jersey? I have heard from other sources as well that they socialize their birds well.

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