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Please help me :\


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Hi all ,


I've bought my gray (Calimero) a week ago, it is still like 5 months old..


My problem is that he is extremely aggressive when anyone of my family or me come close to his cage area .. he starts screaming sooo loud and moving around the cage as if I'm going to kill him.


The thing is i need to clean his cage and replace food and water everyday, and I'm having this difficulty everyday when i change them.


Is that normal ?


He also makes some sounds when we'r around him but not too close like whistle stuff and cute sounds that I guess represents him being happy :D


And I believe that the screaming part was slightly shorter today ,,,but I'm still confused :confused:

is there anything i should be doing ? i cant take him out of his cage yet because i know for a fact that it will be so hard to control him.


Thank you all soo much, i'm totally lost

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Some birds will do this when they're in a new environment and/or with new people . How intense it is has to do with individuality and whether the bird is a nervous type. It's a scary thing because the bird makes it look like he/she's getting killed. That can cause a person to back off. I'll be honest with--there's nothing you can do to change that present behavior. It will change but there's somethings you need to do and put up with. Even though your bird is screeching, jumping around, continue with what you have to do and try and be calm. It's gonna be hard if you've never owned a parrot. I can tell that this behavior will ease up and eventually stop as the bird sees the routine over and over and over. Try to change bowls quickly. Talk to him while changing things. If you're not using newspaper in the tray, start to do so. It's the easiest to pick up and replace. Don,t do all of this tray cleaning around him. Take the tray away. Get these things done as calmly as you can. Put up with the yelling. Understand that you've only been with him about 7 to 10 days. he needs to get used to things and it takes some time. Top off that food dish with treats, preferably nuts. Make sure he sees you doing that----hand means nut. Nut means hand. Know what I'm saying.

Also, there's birds that don't yell or growl or screech if they're outside of the cage while cleaning/feeding is going on but only you know whether it's easy to get the bird back in the cage afterward. He's still new in the cage/home.

Edited by Dave007
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Dave gave great advice and I would also suggest if you can, follow his whistling whistle back to him. He needs to feel some empathy with you and learning his contact call or teaching him one is a great way to do this. All naturally raised birds have contact calls with their family and flock members. Each one is unique and is like a name to them. Some human reared birds can be nameless and it can confuse them so you will need to establish one if that is the case. He is bound to be freaked out in a new place with strange people. How and where is is cage placed? He needs to feel as secure as he can so if there is to much traffic around him at this stage he will not be able to relax and take stock.

Your new guy will settle in quite soon. The most important thing you can give is a loving and understanding home. I am sure you will be fine.


Steve n Misty

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Wow ,, sorry for the late reply , thank you all soo much ,,

what you say makes sense .. he is getting better and as you said apparently it takes time and patience.. i use newspaper and ill be trying every tip you gave me ...


I have one more little question, can grays get over fed ? like I fill the small food bowl every 24 hours ,, he finishes it sometimes to early , so do i need to keep it always full ? the guy from the pet store said that you need to change it once only every 24 hours they can die if they eat too much, but I dont trust him, I live in a country where pet stores know nothing about pets, all they care about is money unfortunately .. :\


and btw my grey is Timneh (if it makes a difference)


Thanks again for your time , :)

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1--no, you can't overfeed a grey but you can possibly give certain foods that can cause other health problems. The most common illness is fatty lver disease which a bird can get from eating only sunflower seeds with nothing else. A varied diet is good. Your bird should be able to get to food 24 hrs a day because they don't eat like people. With parrots, there's no breakfast, lunch or dinner. Greys aren't known as birds that can easily gain weight.

When feeding veggies, they must be removed after they get wilted and soft and start to rot. Usually, that happens about 3 to 4 hrs after feeding them.

2--no , it makes no difference concerning TAGs and CAGs. Everything applies to both.

Edited by Dave007
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Once again thank you so much ,


Ive been following some tips and diets from the "Bird Food" section on this site ,, im certainly not giving him sun flower seeds only .. and now since he can control his temptation to food :) , I'll keep the bowl full ..

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