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So funny! Biscotti "sneezes" Ah choo than laughs like a lunatic & says "Bless you!" The laughing part started because I used to startle him when I would suddenly sneeze, so I made a game out out it & laughed afterward. So now he sneezes & laughs really loud! So funny to hear. Aren't they wonderful! :)

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Sophie sneezes , snores and farts. LOL! I know she is imitating Ryan, for snoring. Only one that snores. I never take a nap, but last Sunday started to fall asleep on couch. Sophie and I were snuggling. She put her beak in my hand, stuck her butt up in the air. Started snoring! LOL There went my nap. When she sneezes way too much, then I know one of the kids are sick. As they both suffer from asthma, the third day of a cold will determine if they will enter an asthma attack, as they both suffer from " respiratory infection asthma". Her increased sneezing, has helped me over and over,someone is sick, and not letting me know. It puts me on alert! We all have different schedules, so many times, I don't know they are sick, snd don't tell me until it is too late, and then tell me when they are wheezing badly. At this point, they have to start steroids. With Sophie informing me someone is sick, there is alot I can do, before having to start steroids. I always appreciate her help Nancy

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Josey does the imitations also of bodily sounds and that includes farts, after all we all do them but most would deny that they did, I always say it feels better out than in but enough of that. Josey also does a sigh when my hubby enters the room for he does that, must be a sigh of relief that he is finally going to sit down and rest for a bit.

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