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hello, haven't post much, but I was busy with school. And there's finally snow in the Netherlands!

Do you guys have snow? What did your parrots think of it?

My birdies saw the snow for the first time and they didn't like it much. But I toke them outside just for a few minute to make pictures.;) And now I have beautiful snow pics:cool:

And ofcourse I made a snowspecial :)



Greetings Bianca

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we have snow here, not much this year so far, but then again, it's ohio, lol!! the girls don't seem to mind it or react to it much or for any length of time. i know they see the difference in the color of the ground when we have snow. the most reaction i see is if the snow flakes are big and falling gently. then athena will make her noise of "wonder" for a few minutes. if its really windy while its snowing they watch it a bit then seem to lose interest.


i get more reaction from them if its really, really windy or if its raining very hard and blowing against the house or if we're having a rousing thunderstorm! then its more because they can hear it, then from seeing it.

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That is cool to see them in the snow, lucky you to have some, we have only had a sprinkling of snow and it has been too mild a winter, I hope we don't go all the way to spring and not have any but it doesn't look good so far, thanks for sharing that with us and I hope you took them all in and warmed up their little tootsies.

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