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New Bird New Owner

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Hi Dennis, you need to settle down and relax. What is your new grey's what name by the way? Let your new friend settle in and come out of his cage when he is ready. Talk to him, offer him treats and friendship. Just let him come to you. Welcome to the Grey family! Pictures please, when you get a chance.

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Hi Dennis and welcome to the grey forum.

luvparrots has given you some good and sound advice. You need to let your grey settle in and get to know you and their new home.

Talk to it and sing to it to make it feel welcome and comfortable in it`s new home. Use treats to bribe your grey so it knows when you are around good things happen.

It takes time but it`s worth it.

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Welcome. I love that bright red tail. Timneh's are much more subdued maroon and I forget how bright CAGs are.


Like others have said. Give him time. You have MANY YEARS ahead to spend together. No sense rushing - though I know how exciting it is.


I dare say that cage needs some more toys and perches (which I grant, may be out of view).

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Dennis660... LOVED the picture! Definitely, more toys. I adopted Sophie at age two, didn't know what to do. She is 12 now, and my best friend. We taught each other. Need some sand perches for her nails and beak. Shredable toys, as this is their favorite. Perches in different areas. What have you researched regarding stepup and down? Nancy

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Hello Dennis and welcome to our family, congrats on your first grey.

You really need to read thru a lot of the threads here for some helpful advice in dealing with a preowned bird and especially if this is your first bird. You need to give Elvis time to settle into his new home and feel comfortable and that takes time. He sees his cage as his safe place so allow him to come out of it on his own.

You will need to be patient with Elvis to build the trust you need to bond with him and develop your relationship and trust with a grey has to be earned, it is not freely given and it could take weeks or months to accomplish but it will be worth it when it happens.

We have some threads here that deal with reading body language and you should read them carefully for a grey will tell you how he feels or how you can avoid most bites for that is his way of telling you he is not ready or doesn't like what you are doing with him.

It does look to me like he needs a couple more toys in his cage, maybe different types so he has something he likes, get him a heavy duty bell to hang in his cage as most greys love to beat one up and play fight with it.

Just take it easy and do not try to rush things right now, let him set the pace and take it slow and easy and he will be more receptive of interaction with you, thanks for sharing the pics with us.

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Heyyyyy Dennis welcome to you and Elvis :D ... the cage is looking MUCH better! My kids keep telling me Im spoiling my baby and hes not even home yet lol. Every time I go out shopping I look for something new for the baby! *grins* Let your baby get used to you and the new surroundings and build trust and I bet you will have a great time with him

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If he loved you at the pet store he will love you at your home too. Just be kind, relaxed, and patient if you want to see improvement. He is a baby (2 Years old is still a baby) after all and in a completely new situation. He's probably scared. He needs reassurance and tenderness to help develop the necessary trust needed to foster a new relationship. Move slowly and speak softly.

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