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Another re-home


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I have only recently joined the forum. I have owned various types of parrots for over 33 years. I guess what amazes me most is the love and dedication many of you grey owners have posted about. Yesterday (Sat) I brought home a 12 year old CAG female. Her owner thought he was doing everything right, when I think that a lack of education of the bird he was not doing any justice. The bird plucked shortly after he purchased her and he did take it to the vet. However, The bird cage was kept in a spare bedroom. The man worked 14 hour days driving truck. His wife worked between 10-11 hours. After work, he would bring the bird to her playstand in the livingroom area. Between eating and watching TV, how much time was spent interacting with their so-called loved one. I think it is up to all of us to help educate prospective owners of any parrot of what is involve in parrot ownership. Keep posting, you are never too old to learn new things. Ken

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you are never too old to learn new things.

So true and sometimes I think the more I learn the more I know I need to learn.

It was great you could give this grey a new forever home where she can get the love and attention she deserves.

Yes we treat our birds like another member of the family and no one else understands us and how we feel but other bird owners, we are what some people refer to as "nuts" but we don't care for they just don't understand how a person can have such a connection to a feathered friend.

What is her name and do you have any pictures of her you would share with us?

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You brought up some good observations when it comes to education and how we bring up our birds. First I was tought that a man that is to old to learn was always to old to learn.

We all make mistakes when we try new things so when a man said he never made a msitake he never did anything, and the man that never admits to makeing mistakes he is a fool.

This is why we have this forum to learn how to share our life with these awesome parrots and to pass on what we have learned to the next person so we can have a happy life for both us and our fids.

Rehome parrots sometimes need more love to make them a part of the family, but it`s so worth it.

My rehomed zon Cricket is the love of my life.

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