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I made it myself


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If you don't mine me asking...how much did it cost to make? All the stands I have looked into getting are all a pretty penny. Right now I use the shower perch all over the house and stick it to whatever window is in the room, but I've been thining about making something like you did.

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Without the food cups, which I still need to finish, it was about $30. I didn't use any glue, I'm to afraid of anything toxic. With the twine tucked in the ends the joints are really tight. I'm trying to decide if I want the twine the remaining connections, it looks prettier, but not necessarily functional.

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Trina - I had the same problem with my Grey. When I had him flighted but still hand feeding he would dive bomb me every time I was making his food and would not stay where I put him for nothing. Every time he would fly off of where ever I had him I would grab him (if he wasn't already on me) and tell him very firmly "NO" and put him back where he was and turn my back to him. He fought me on this for a few days but he learned that him flying to me without me asking was only going to delay getting what he wanted (the feeding formula). I know there is the great debate on clipping wings, but it really does help to clip when you are training your bird. I did a "long clip" on mine so he can still fly across the house but won't get lift but he had been much, much easier to train this way. He still fly’s off his perch now and then because his favorite game is Marco-Polo...he will fly away when my back is turned and go hide. I'll call and he returns back in the Marco-polo fashion. I allow this because it is a lot if fun for the both of us…but the poop on the curtains I’m sure it something you want to stop.

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Well, I have to admit that when I first brought her close to it, she leaned way back on my finger, then flew off. I brought her back and she leaned back again, but stayed put. She would crawl up my arm instead of stepping up on the pvc. This all took about 5 minutes before she was sitting on it. She finally just fell asleep. She did wake up and play with the toy a bit. I expect that she will be more than happy to hang out and play there within a few days.


The computer was ok because Pryde didn't know how to climb down ;)

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That is very nice! I have noticed with Klaus he is very cautious about new things. I have one of those great ropes that fasten to the cage, but I didn't want it inside for fear Klaus would get a toe stuck in it or something when we're not home. So I installed it on the outside to give him an extra place to climb around & play when we are home. It took him a day or two to go on it. When I introduce him to something new, I act like I couldn't care less if he likes it or not. I notice the more you try to get him to do or try something, the more he resists. So like a human child, it's scary!

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